Cameroon kidnapped students and teacher freed

The nine students and a teacher that were kidnapped in Cameroon by separatist fighters have been released.
Gunmen on motorbikes on Tuesday ganged down a school in Kumba suburb, a Cameroon’s English speaking region.

A report from a senior government official in meme reveals that two separatist fighters were killed and one captured during an exchange with police while other two, including the gang leader were killed during burial for their colleagues on Wednesday.

In the exchange, seven hostages managed to escape and due to pressure from the security, the other six students and a teacher were also abandoned.

This is the second time the separatist fighters have used the kidnap tactic,  on November 4, 79 schoolchildren, a teacher, and principal were kidnapped from Presbyterian Secondary School in Bamenda, the capital of north-west province.

However,they were later released without injuries.

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