President Museveni vows to confiscate property of all corrupt government officials

President Museveni vows to fight corruption

President Museveni has vowed to enact a law of confiscating property of all government workers accused of corruption.

President Museveni has vowed to enact a law of confiscating property of all government workers accused of corruption.

While addressing media houses on Monday at Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala, the President hinted that he will be in touch with the speaker of parliament aimed at bringing a law that will be discussed in parliament to fight corruption.

He also added that he will also have to engage with the Chief Justice to find way of curbing corruption in courts.

“We shall enact a law that allows us to confiscate property of government officers accused of corruption. I will talk to the Speaker and the Chief Justice to see how to fight corruption in Parliament and the Judiciary,” he said.

The President urged the public to coordinate with the newly State House Anti-Corruption Unit established to be headed by Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema.

He accused a section of public servants particularly the Permanent Secretaries of different government ministries, town clerks, chief administrative officers, sub county chairpersons and parish chiefs of fueling corruption.

“Those public servants who think or feel they are tired of working and promoting integrity should leave. I’m not ready to continue dealing with them. Even the public is also tired of hearing stories about corrupt officers,” he said.

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