Over 80% lawyers fail 2017/18 LDC exams

Over 80 percent of Lawyers who sat for Law Development Centre (LDC) for  2017/18 Bar Course failed.

Recently released results from the centre speculates that of the 800 lawyers who sat the exams in August, only 139 managed to reach the pass mark.

33 lawyers have also been discontinued for failing the three main units of 
family law, civil procedure, criminal procedure, corporate and commercial and land transactions. 

650 lawyers who failed exams will have another chance to a paper resit.

The 77 lawyers who passed but failed  the weekly individual assessment (IA), are set to resit them. 

However, the fees for supplementary and special examinations were hiked from sh100,000 to sh300,000.

Nigel Othembi, the LDC director said “The new fees structure is okay. One would have complained if we imposed on them the tuition the current lot is paying,” 

The Bar Course is a mandatory exam for all lawyers in Uganda to practice under the high court and leads to an award of a diploma in legal practice.

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