It is interesting to go to church and get involved in the different programmes that have been set to make sure women are catered for. It is even more interesting to listen to women sharing their testimonies about the activities that happen in those groups in churches.

Miriam Kanyago who serves as an usher and a choir member in Faith Mission in Nsambya comes to church early, leaves late and keeps busy while in church always something that prompts me to ask what drives her passion.
“This church has really transformed in and out,” she said almost passionately and continues, “I was a drunkard and drug addict who did not have where to sleep because all I cared about was getting money to buy the drugs and alcohol.”
She says she derives her strength to keep going from the message in the songs, which she has used to influence her friends, and they too have turned away from drugs and alcohol.
“There is a way church programs impact your life in every aspect because there are moral lessons for every kind of person in whatever they attend,” she says.
I spoke to other women to find out how they have been impacted by the different programmes in church.
Mothers union counselling programs
Joyce Waniala, a mother’s union member says this is one of the most active groups in churches because each church has wedded women who meet, get to know each other and discuss serious marriage issues.
She says this has mostly helped when it comes to the betterment of the marriage because women who attend them are counselled, they share their experiences and given some hands on skills that they put into practice to spice up their marriage.

“There is always something knew I learn from our weekly sessions and this has helped me keep my marriage interesting since I keep trying out whatever we are told and adopt the behaviour that keeps me away from trouble with my spouse,” says Waniala.
With the counselling and encouragement that women get from one another, many marriages have been improved and kept because each time a woman feels like the marriage is not working out, the fellow women give her reasons to stay.
Rose Margret Katengeke, a teacher and counsellor at Pearl Africa says a fellowship is something she
cannot afford to miss and fact that they happen during lunch breaks, she can take her time off school to rush for a fellowship.
“These fellowships soothe my soul especially when I am burdened and I am tempted to do something drastic, I just leave and go to church because I know I will find comfort there,” says Katengeke.
She further says there is meeting many people who have different life stories is life inspiring and gives you a new life direction each day despite the ups and downs that you are going through you find time to counsel another one.
She affirms that fellowshipping sometimes turns into one’s lifestyle and defines who you are in the society you live in.
Charitable programmes
Constance Kana, a pastor at Faith Ministries says church has a lot to offer and she personally enjoys the charity drive initiative that the churches take part in.
“That is one of the active programme in church and we as women organise and make sure it happens so that the needy people are able to get what they need to at least live a comfortable life,” says Kana.
She says this does not only end in church because some women have made it part of them and have some personal ventures that they solicit for items to donate to those who need it.
On the other hand, Christine Shimanya, a chaplain in the Uganda parliament says charitable works is not only about helping the needy but also doing church cleaning, arranging chairs, ushering and many others that you can do to save the church from incurring expenses.
Choir practice
Kana narrates that choir practice is joined by many not only because of passion but also because they will get to interact with other people.
More to that, she says this is convenient for many because these practices usually take place in the evenings a time that finds many free so there is a good turn up.

“It is during these practices that the women interact with each other, get guidance and counselling that greatly helps them in running their daily lives,” says Kana.
She adds that this has kept women away from a lot of idle talks that have caused them problems with the people around them.
Christine Shimanya says most women are the ones who are directly involved when it comes to their children taking their confirmation classes.
She says this is very significant because it shows the children how important confirmation is basingon how involved their parents are in the whole process.
“Confirmation has enabled people raise their children in the righteous path due to the fact that they study confirmation which has very many teachings to learn from,” says Shimanya.