Former Makerere University lecturer in the school of Mass communication, Andrew Kanyegirire is now in Geneva, Switzerland to head the communication’s department at the council on health research for Development.
Kanyegirire has been in charge of communications and advocacy at New Partnership for African Development in (NEPAD) Johannesburg, South Africa. In Geneva Kanyegirire is heading a team of over 100 young professionals to rejuvenate NEPAD.
Before his appointment at NEPAD, Kanyegirire was a researcher at the institute for security studies in Pretoria. He holds a PhD in Journalism and Media studies from Rhodes University, South Africa. In Uganda, Kanyegirire taught research and media history at Makerere University and many of the students he taught became key journalists, media managers, public relations officers and politicians.
By Walakira Nyanzi