Probably after realizing that many of his Leone Island Crew members have left him, Dr. Jose Chameleon has started recruitment driver for new members to join him.
Many members ofLeoneIslandhave reportedly joined firebase crew of Bobi Wine, Gagamel Crew Bebe Cool, Chilli galz and Jackaki band among other groups. In fact snoops report that the number of dancers inLeoneIslandhas reduced to an extend that when Chameleon is invited to perform, he hires dancers from other groups.
Some members of theLeoneIslandwho left Chameleone and joined other groups include Master Parrot, Cox, Lizard, Junior Pliers, Chaga, Red Banton and Mr. X among others.
Chameleon is restructuring his crew after he has got new lucrative deals inEurope. We have learnt that Chameleon has asked even those former members of his crew who wish to return.