Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma has expressed his revulsion at the attacks on innocent people in Kano state, Nigeria, on 20 January 2012.
“We condemn these cowardly attacks, which have led to large-scale loss of life and critical injuries,” said the Secretary-General, who is on an official visit to Malawi.
“The perpetrators of this despicable crime have shown a callous disregard for the lives of their fellow citizens and for the peace, stability, integrity and progress of their country. I extend my personal condolences and sympathy together with those of the Commonwealth community at large to all those affected by these dreadful attacks. The Commonwealth stands in solidarity with the Government and people of Nigeria as the country grieves its loss, and works to address the challenges of terrorism, extremism and insecurity, manifested in the spate of such attacks in recent years.
“Terrorism is anathema to civilised society,” Mr Sharma stressed. “The Commonwealth’s shared view is that conflict and differences should be resolved, and indeed, can only be resolved sustainably through inclusive dialogue built on the foundations of mutual understanding and respect.”