Recommended foods for gout

Recommended foods for gout: After the pain has subsided, introduce whole grains, nuts, seeds and soy products into your meals.

These foods are high in fibre, which encourages the elimination of uric acid and soy products are excellent vegetarian sources of protein.

Berries especially cherries, strawberries and blueberries, and neutrised uric acid are also equally good for people suffering from gout.

Eat fish such as salmon, cod, halibut and sardines as they reduce inflammation. Drink as much clean water as you can. One glass every two walking hours should be your minimum consumption.

Gout is a painful disorder caused by buildup of uric acid. Although it affects both sexes, men are much more likely-by a factor of 10 to suffer from gout. This condition is once known ‘THE RICH MAN’S DISEASE’ N in fact it often strikes to people who eat heavy fatty foods and who overindulge in alcohol.

It’s caused by a diet high in saturated fats, refined fats, refined carbohydrates and alcohol, insulin resistance, dehydration, obesity

,kidney disease, surgery, joint injury, stress, and pharmaceuticals that increases uric acid (e.g aspirin, diuretic and high-doze niacin therapy) ,lead toxicity, high blood pressure, acidic system.

Walakira Nyanzi

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