PhD Fellowships for European Institutes for Advanced Study

The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 33 fellowships for the 2011/2012 academic year. It proposes 10-month residencies in one of the 14 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cambridge, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyons, Nantes, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar. The Programme builds on the strong reputation of the Institutes for Advanced Study for promoting the concentrated, self-directed work of excellent researchers within the stimulating environment of a multidisciplinary and international group of fellows.

EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in natural and exact sciences, if their proposed research project does not require laboratory facilities. The diversity of the 14 participating IAS —which have agreed on a common selection procedure— offers a wide range of possible research contexts in Europe for worldwide scholars. Applicants select up to three IAS outside their country of nationality or residence as possible host institutions.

The Programme welcomes applications worldwide from promising scholars at an early stage of their careers as well as from established senior researchers.


The EURIAS Fellowship Programme offers two types of 10-month fellowships according to research experience:

Junior: researchers having up to 7 years of full-time research experience after obtaining a doctorate (by the time of the application) or up to 11 years of research experience after obtaining a Master or equivalent.

Senior: researchers having more than 7 years of full-time research experience after obtaining a doctorate (by the time of the application) or more than 11 years of research experience after obtaining a Master or equivalent.

Please consult the list of the available junior and senior positions by Institute here at


At the time of the application, researchers must be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of research experience (full time equivalent) after obtaining a degree, which formally allows them to embark on a doctorate whether or not a doctorate was envisaged.

Researchers from all countries are eligible for the programme. They cannot apply for an institute located in their country of nationality or residence.

The programme is open to all disciplines in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. It also welcomes applications from the arts, life and exact sciences (if the research project does not require laboratory or specific facilities). Applicants are advised to check the participating IAS’ websites to learn more about the scientific orientation of the Institute they wish to apply for.


The EURIAS fellowships offer the following conditions:

  • Living allowance in the range of € 26,000 for a junior fellow and € 38,000 for a senior fellow (under work contract or fixed-amount stipend, according to the national legislation)
  • Basic social security coverage
  • Accommodation or support for relocation
  • A research budget in the range of € 5,500
  • Travel expenses (one round trip)
  • Same working conditions as the IAS’ other fellows

Please note that the administrative modalities, working conditions and allowances may slightly vary from one Institute to another. In order to obtain precise information, we invite you to contact the institute you apply for.


The EURIAS Fellowship Programme is founded on shared values such as the need to ensure freedom of research and the need to work in the interest of the physical and moral integrity of individuals.

In compliance with the European Commission’s Code of Ethics for Researchers, the fields of research on human embryo and foetus, on humans, on animals, and human cloning are excluded from the Programme.

The fellowship programme fully complies with the European Commission ethical provisions on privacy, data protection, confidentiality and intellectual property rules.

Applicants are requested to indicate possible ethical issues in their proposals.

The Programme Officer systematically undertakes an ethical eligibility check of applications in collaboration with the Ethical Review Board (with particular attention to privacy and data protection, as most research proposals deal with humanities and social sciences). If needed, the application is transferred to the relevant national ethical committee for assessment.

Under the EURIAS Fellowship Programme, employment conditions offered to fellows by all participating IAS are in full compliance with the General Principles and Requirements applicable to employers in the European Charter for Researchers and in the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The EURIAS fellowship programme follows an equal opportunity policy.


Application assessment

The selection of applicants who are eligible for a fellowship is competitive, merit-based and conducted through an internationally independent and recognised peer review process.

The EURIAS Fellowship Programme undertakes a detailed qualitative assessment according to the following criteria:

  • Scientific excellence of the applicant
  • Quality of the proposal (innovative, path-breaking, high-impact)
  • Ability to carry out the research proposal
  • Theoretical and methodological framework of the research proposal
  • Impact beyond intra-disciplinary specialisations
  • Interdisciplinary potential of the research proposal
  • Significance of the research proposal for the international academic community
  • Relevance of a residency in an Institute for Advanced Study for the research project
  • Expected impact of the fellowship on training and career development
  • Proven language capacity (most IAS operate in an English-language environment, but research can be conducted in any language, and language diversity is welcome).

Peer review

For the evaluation of the research proposals, the EURIAS Fellowship Programme resorts to the advice of external referees chosen, according to their specific expertise and research interests, out of a pool of some 75 referees. Selection of the external referees is based on individual excellence, an overall coverage of social sciences and humanities (and in some cases natural and exact sciences), diversity of geographic origin, age and gender balance.

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee is composed of one scientific representative of each participating IAS plus three external internationally recognized scholars with specific expertise in ethics. The members are selected for their scientific excellence, their international experience and their openness to interdisciplinarity.

On the basis of the scientific assessment made by the experts and as a result of its discussions, the Selection Committee agrees on a short-list of fellows to be proposed to the IAS.

IAS Scientific Boards

IAS make their final selection out of the short-listed applications and inform the Programme Officer accordingly. The assessment of applications is based on a consistent set of appropriateness criteria (matching of research proposals with the specificities of the IAS):

  • Interaction with the group of prospective co-fellows
  • Relevance of the IAS choice by the applicant
  • Specific scholarly environment or relevance of interaction with local researchers

Information to applicants

Applicants are notified electronically of the assessment of their project after (i) the eligibility check, (ii) the preselection and (iii) the final selection by the IAS.


Candidates apply exclusively through the online application system. Paper applications are not accepted.

To access the online application system, please create an account (see user box) and follow the procedure. After the registration of your account, you will be able to fill in an application form and to upload the relevant documents.

In order to provide evaluators with relevant information to perform their work efficiently, EURIAS fellowship applicants have to submit:

  • The completed EURIAS application form
  • A detailed project proposal
  • CV
  • List of publications
  • For candidates applying for junior fellowships, two letters of recommendation from scholars outside their past or current institution, who are familiar with their academic work.

Applicants are also asked to specify the following in their proposals:

  • The relevance and connections of the research to a wider academic context
  • The aims and methods of research
  • The current state and schedule of the applicant’s research
  • The cooperation partners, including national and international contacts, if applicable
  • The interdisciplinary dimension of the research, if relevant
  • The importance of trans-national mobility for achieving research objectives
  • Their career plans and motivation for participating in the programme
  • Issues concerning research ethics, if relevant

Applicants are required to indicate up to three IAS as the most adequate host institutions in the order of preference, and to justify their choices.


The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 33 fellowships for the 2011/2012 academic year. It proposes 10-month residencies in one of the 14 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cambridge, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyons, Nantes, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar. The Programme builds on the strong reputation of the Institutes for Advanced Study for promoting the concentrated, self-directed work of excellent researchers within the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international group of fellows.

EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in natural and exact sciences, if their proposed research project does not require laboratory facilities. The diversity of the 14 participating IAS —which have agreed on a common selection procedure— offers a wide range of possible research contexts in Europe for worldwide scholars . Applicants select up to three IAS outside their country of nationality or residence as possible host institutions.

The Programme welcomes applications worldwide from promising scholars at an early stage of their careers as well as from established senior researchers. During their fellowship, EURIAS fellows benefit from the high-quality research environment and working conditions provided by the host Institute. All IAS have agreed on common standards for EURIAS fellows, including the provision of a living allowance (in the range of € 26,000 for a junior fellow and € 38,000 for a senior fellow), accommodation (or a mobility allowance), a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.

Application and deadline

  • Applications are submitted online via You will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, etc.
  • The deadline for application is September 10th 2010. Late applications will not be considered.

Selection procedure

  • Scientific assessment by two international referees
  • Preselection by EURIAS international and interdisciplinary Scientific Committee
  • Final selection by the IAS academic boards
  • Publication of results in December 2010.

Download the information on the 2011/2012 EURIAS fellowships

For further information on the Programme, please consult our website:

For further information on the IAS and their working conditions:


Application deadline → September 10th 2010

Meeting of Selection Committee → Early November 2010

Final selection by IAS → Early December 2010

Publication of results → Mid-December 2010

Arrival of fellows → September 2011


EURIAS is coordinated by the RFIEA Foundation (Network of French Institutes for Advanced Study)

Programme Officer:
Mylène Trouvé
T: +33 (0) 1 49 54 22 55
At the RFIEA Foundation

54, boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris – FRANCE

To contact the participating IAS, please refer to the following list

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