Menopause is a time of freedom from the menstrual cycle and the onset of wisdom and power. It is caused by aging, eating disorder, extraordinary intense exercise or physical training, ovarian disease, surgical removal of the ovaries usually as part of a hysterectomy, hypo-functioning adrenal glands.
Recommended diet (food) for early menopause: Eat a diet loaded with plant foods, especially whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits.
The above foods (read diet) contain phytosterols, naturally occurring nutrients that have a hormone-balancing effect. Eat soya beans, tofu, miso and flaxseeds, all of which are excellent sources of phytoestrogens.
Vitamin E regulates estrogen production. Make sure to include cold-pressed nut and seed oils in your diet, perhaps as a dressing for a green salad.
Drink a glass of clean water every two walking hours. You will flush out toxins and replace fluids you may have lost during hot flashes.