What medications are available to treat influenza infections in humans?


Antiviral medicines like tamiflu, and other supportive treatment that can effectively treat the illness are available in the ministry of health in the case of Uganda. You also need to drink a lot of fruits and have enough time to rest.


Influenza is a respiratory disease that is caused by influenza virus that is related to a virus that regularly causes diseases in pigs. The spread of influenza can be stopped under the following ways:


Always sneeze or cough into a handkerchief or tissues. The minister for health in Uganda government Christine Androa says the disease can be stopped by people washing their hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after touching the mouth and nose or surfaces that are potentially contaminated.


The minister, while speaking in an interview urged people to reduce the time they spend in crowded places whenever they hear that there is an outbreak of influenza in any part of the world.


It is also advised to improve air flow in your houses/homes by opening windows. Further more it is advised to avoid close contact with people who show influenza like symptoms (try to maintain a distance of about one meter if possible).



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