British Ecological society ofers fellowships for researchers in developing countries.

The British Ecological Society Overseas Fellowship scheme provides grants for ecologists in developing countries to carry out innovative ecological research.

The Fellowship scheme is continuation funding aimed at building on the potential of the best candidates that come out of the Overseas Bursary stage.

Fellowship grants are up to £20,000 for a period of 3 years.

The grant will support work arising from a successful Bursary. Limited in-country travel and part of the applicant’s salary can be applied for.

In addition to this, using the help of the scientific advisors already established as a result of the bursary stage, Fellows have the option of spending some time in centres outside of their research-base countries, gaining access to special facilities, libraries, seminars and conferences or temporarily attaching themselves to research groups.

Fellowship Application Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants for a BES Fellowship Grant must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Applicant must have previously been awarded a BES Overseas Bursary grant.
  • Not use the Fellowship grant to fund a higher degree. (e.g PhD)
  • Be collaborating at a university or research institution that provides basic research facilities, with a project that is designed to be done in a developing country
  • All Overseas Bursary award winners can apply for a Fellowship grant as long as they provide a final report between 18 months and 24months after the date of their award.

If reasons are provided the Overseas bursary holder can delay applying for a Fellowship grant up to one year after their final report has been received

  • Applicants may only apply once for a Fellowship Grant.

Please Note: Only overseas bursary award winners who have submitted a final report between 18 and 24 months after the award date can apply for a fellowship grant.

Deadline: Applications will be considered on an annual basis, with a deadline of September 1st each year.

For more information and applicatio forms, see: BES Overseas Fellowship Scheme Website

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