kenyans are encouraged to apply for research in health

This is a Kenyan non-governmental organization whose mission is to contribute to the strengthening of national research for health in Kenya.

This is done by providing support for multidisciplinary research to individuals and institutions, and engaging policy makers in formulation of health research policies that are evidence based.

The Consortium also contributes to the building of networks and communities in research for health.

The Research Career Development Grants, 2012.

As part of its national research capacity-strengthening mandate, CNHR invites applications for Research Career Development Grants (RCDGs) from qualified Kenyan researchers (currently based in Kenya or working within the Diaspora) who wish to further develop their careers while undertaking research and training programmes in Kenya.

The grants aim at enabling successful applicants to obtain high-quality research training that will lay the foundation for a successful independent research career.

In the long-term, the aim is to build a critical mass of researchers undertaking relevant research-for-health for the betterment of Kenyans.

CNHR is planning to award twelve (12) RCDGs commencing in October 2012.

The RCDGs are being offered in collaboration with multi-institutional research-for-health collaborative set-ups such as the four CNHR-supported Centres of Research Excellence (CoReS).

These are:

  • CREHSS based at Great Lakes University of Kisumu,
  • SIRCLE based at the KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Programme in Nairobi,
  • CREATES based at Strathmore University and CERNVec based at icipe).

The grants will be competitively offered to support the development of research ideas, or acquisition of specialized research/training skills as a step towards a productive independent research career in areas of national health priority currently focused on the attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 (child health); 5 (maternal health); 6 (infectious diseases); emerging and non-communicable diseases, with improvement of Health Systems as an overarching theme.

The selection process, to be undertaken by an Expert Scientific Advisory Committee (ESAC), comprising of internationally recognized researchers and policy makers, will focus on identifying individuals who are committed to attaining the highest standards in scientific research excellence, motivated to work in collaboration and partnership, and will strive to be world leaders in their chosen fields of research.

Successful applicants are likely to be those who have a good track record of achievement, exhibit passion, enthusiasm and aptitude for a long-term career research-for-health.

In addition, sound knowledge of the scientific background for the research project should be apparent, and the research chosen should be relevant to the health and development need of Kenya, focused and feasible within the timescale proposed.

Career Development Grants Eligibility

The programme encourages a systems approach to research and training and its integration with policy and practice.

Professionals undertaking research-for-health related work are therefore encouraged to participate.

Where applicable, the proposed research work needs to have received ethical approval in accordance with national and international guidelines before funds from CNHR are awarded.

The RCDG awards are open to qualified Kenyans resident in Kenya or working within the Diaspora. Researchers of other nationalities who have valid working permits, and are currently working within Kenyan institutions will also be considered, as long as they are able to demonstrate evidence of willingness to provide research service in Kenya after completion of the fellowship.

Applicants to the RCDG programme must, in addition, fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be a bonafide employee of/or currently undertaking further relevant training in a public or private research-for-health and/or teaching institution. Qualified applicants in self-employment but with relevant experience will also be considered.
  • Posses, for non-clinicians, a PhD/DPhil qualification in a biomedical, clinical, social science or an allied discipline. Clinical researchers with an M.Med and with teaching/research experience are eligible to apply as Mid-Career Clinical Research Fellows. University-based mid-career researchers should hold a position equivalent to a Lecturer or above.
  • Have a record (or show potential of) as a researcher with evidence of quality peer reviewed publications;
  • Have proven potential of research leadership capability;
  • Demonstrate motivation for health research capacity strengthening evidenced by a track record of successful supervision of postgraduate students. A track record of attracting research funds will be an added advantage.
  • Researchers working within the Diaspora should show commitment of wanting to return to Kenya to further their career while working within the existing institutions.

For more information and applications, see: Request for Applications for Research Career Development Grants

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