Causes of headache on travel


When you are travelling, changes in schedule, location, diet and your level of stress may all trigger headaches. The main headache triggers during travel may include changes in your normal travel schedule and environment.


Headache on travel may further result from sensitivity to the weather and temperature changes.  Tension headaches may occur because of sensitivity to physical and emotional stress.

All kinds of headache can be triggered by changes in your sleep and diet routines. By establishing the source of your headache, you can take preventive measures as well as plan for headache relief before you travel.


You can manage the headache by planning your trips in advance. Avoid panicking and allow for changes in your sleep schedule. Changes in people’s schedules are one of the main causes of headaches.

Plan ahead for time changes, and try to get the same amount of sleep as usual.

Too much sleep as well as not getting enough sleep can trigger a headache.

Make sure you travel comfortably. If you are going to be sitting for a long time, get up and walk around frequently before you travel and even while travelling, if possible.


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