Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of development agencies focusing on health, education, culture, rural development, institution-building and the promotion of economic development.
It is dedicated to improving living conditions and opportunities for the poor,without regard to their faith,origin or gender.
Aga Khan Development Network consists of the following organisations:
Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development – AKFED
- This is an international development agency dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and building economically sound enterprises in the developing world.
- It seeks to create profitable, sustainable enterprises through long-term investments that result in strong equity positions.
- The companies range from banking to electric power, agricultural processing, hotels, airlines and telecommunications.
Aga Khan Foundation – AKF
- Focuses on a small number of specific development problems by forming intellectual and financial partnerships with organisations sharing its objectives.
- Most Foundation grants are made to grassroots organisations testing innovative approaches in the field.
Aga Khan Health Services – AKHS
Provides primary health care and curative medical care in Afghanistan, India, Kenya, Pakistan, and Tanzania.
- Also provides technical assistance to government in health service delivery in Kenya, Syria and Tajikistan.
Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance -AKAM
- The underlying objectives is to reduce poverty, diminish the vulnerability of poor populations and alleviate economic and social exclusion.
Aga Khan Planning and Building Services – AKPBS
- AKPBS works to improve the built environment, particularly housing design and construction, village planning, natural hazard mitigation, environmental sanitation, water supplies, and other living conditions.
- The organisation achieves these goals through the provision of material, technical assistance and construction management services for rural and urban areas.
Focus Humanitarian Assistance – FOCUS
- Focus helps people in need reduce their dependence on humanitarian aid and facilitates their transition to sustainable self-reliant, long-term development.
Aga Khan Education Services – AKES
- Operates schools and advanced educational programmes that provide quality pre-school, primary, secondary, and higher secondary education services to students in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Kenya ,the Kyrgyz Republic, Uganda, Tanzania, and Tajikistan.
Aga Khan Trust for Culture – AKTC
- Focuses on the physical, social, cultural and economic revitalisation of communities in the Muslim world.
Aga Khan University – AKU
- Provides higher education and develops research pertinent to Pakistan and the developing world at internationally accepted academic standards.
The Aga Khan fund is active in 16 countries in the developing world: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Mali, Mozambique, Pakistan, Senegal, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania and Uganda
Funding Criteria
With few exceptions, the Foundation funds programmes in countries where it has offices and local professional staff to monitor implementation (South and Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East).
- Except for buildings that it owns, the foundation does not fund constructions.
- It cannot make grants to individuals in response to personal needs.
Before developing full proposals, enquiries should be made to the Foundation office in the country where the proposal originates or where the project would be executed.
For additional information and application materials, see; Aga Khan Development Network Website.