As we told you in our first rticle on syphilis, the disease has four stages. In this rticle, we have focused on the secondary stage of syphilis.
Most people with secondary syphilis have a non-itchy skin rash. Although the rash is usually on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet… it may cover your whole body and or appear only in a few areas.
The rash appears 2- 10 weeks after the chancre, generally when the chancre is healing or already healed.
Other common symptoms of secondary syphilis include sore throat, tiredness, headache and swollen lymph glands.
However, there other symptoms of secondry syphilis such as less frequent symptoms including fever, aches, weight loss, hair loss, aching joints, or lesions (sores) in the mouth or genital area.
The sores of secondary syphilis contain many bacteria, and anyone who has contact with them can get syphilis. As with primary syphilis, secondary syphilis will disappear even without treatment. Without treatment, however, the infection will move to the next stages.