Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships at the University of Adelaide for international students.


The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking Postgraduate study.

Up to six scholarships may be available to outstanding international students from any country to undertake a postgraduate degree by coursework in any academic discipline.

Benefits are payment of 50% tuition fees for up to two years. MBA Incentive Awards

University of Adelaide MBA Incentive Awards

Up to three A$5,000 incentive awards may be awarded annually to international students enrolled in the MBA or MBA (Advanced) program.

Awards will be on the basis of academic merit and will be set off against the recipient’s tuition fees.

  • May be subject to an increase.


There is no separate application process for any of the above scholarships.

An application for admission to the University will constitute an application for a scholarship.

All applications for admission consistent with the eligibility and selection criteria will be considered automatically for a scholarship.

An application fee of A$50 must accompany the application for admission.

This fee is waived for applications made through an IDP Education Australia office, or one of the University’s International Representatives.

Successful postgraduate scholarship recipients will be informed in November.


  • Scholarships will be awarded strictly on academic merit.
  • Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
  • Candidates are required to enrol in The University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
  • Scholarship holders must commence study at the University of Adelaide.

Deadline: Offered annually.

General Inquiries: Email: international [at] Telephone: (in Australia): (08) 8303 5208. Telephone: (outside Australia): +61 8 8303 5208.

Application Inquiries: Email: admissions[at] Telephone (outside Australia): +61 8 8303 6457. Facsimile (outside Australia): +61 8 8232 3741.

For more information, visit: Adelaide Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships International Website

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