Plato’s book exposes dictatorial leadership in Uganda



Phylosopher Plato in his book the REPUBLIC, he says that “Now the greatest punishment, if one isnt ready to rule, is to he to be ruled by someone worse than oneself.”

Plato says that in a City of good men, …the citizens would fight in order not to rule, just as political leaders in Uganda do now in order to rule.

Plato goes ahead and says” it isnt amusing at all, for it isnt amusing to treat someone harshly when he is telling the truth.” The philosopher says that justice is a virtue and wisdom and that injustice is a vice and ignorance.

He says that to do injustice is naturally good and to suffer injustice is bad, but the badness of suffering it is so far exceeds the goodness of doing it that those who have done and suffered injustice and tested both, but who luck the power to it and avoid suffering it, decide that it is profitable to come to an agreement with each other neither to do injustice nor to suffer it.

Therefore, a good judge must not be a young person but an old one, who has learned late in life what injustice is like and who has become aware of it not as something at home in his own soul, but as something alien and present in others, someone who, after a long time, has recognised that injustice is bad by nature, not from his own experience of it, but through KNOWLEDGE.


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