The association of uneducated Ugandans want the Electoral Commission to
suspend the forth-coming 2014 General Elections to give chance to the
president to accomplish the unfulfilled pledges.
Speaking to journalists at Speke Hotel, the association Chairman Kassim
Kasasa said that the president Museveni made alot of pledges and Ugandans
have overwhelming demands towards him.
Kasasa noted that the 5year term is such a short period in which the
president cannot accomplish all these demands and pledges.
On the other hand Kassim Kasasa has called for amendments within the
Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, to include the fate of the
uneducated citizens.
These also want the constitution to be translated and written into the
different local dilects so that its content is understood by the entire
citizenery of Uganda.
The spokesperson of Abatasoma call upon parliament to change the
constitution to allow them to compete on the mp sets to allow them
serve Ugandans as well with the help of translators.