The minister of finance ,planning and Economic Development Maria Kiwanuka Nabasirye has read national budget for financial year 2014/15 indicating tax increase on most of the goods and services.
The new budget taxes imposed on some items and goods doesnot favour the poor people.
200 shillings added tax on the keresone , 5 shillings imposed on petrol and diesel to raise 60 billion shillings , 50% tax added on sugar from 20%.
10% tax imposed on Money transfer services and 15 % tax imposed on sports betting to raise 8 billion shillings.
450 billion shillings allocated to enhance public servant salaries so as to meet the teacher’s salary increment of 15 %to 25 %.
Agricultures commercial in puts tax has been increased and private schools to contribute 15 billion shillings to national budget.
She showed that Uganda’s public debt has risen to 7 billion US dollars from 6.4 billion shillings , 4.2 billion is foreign debt and 2.8 is domestic debt and she said that Uganda is not under debt stress.
She said that government will enhance the health workers remuneration .