In bid to boast government’s efforts on reducing the increasing road accidents in the country, Apollo Life Assurance (APA) staff recently introduced a Zebra Crossing along Namatala drive, Industrial division in Mbale district to protect students from getting knocked down by speeding cars and boda bodas.
The zebra crossing is situated along a busy school environment with many schools and Universities leading to many residential houses in the sub of Mbale.
According to Stephen Kakembo, Branch Manager APA Mbale the staff members felt the need to give back to the community through engaging in a road safety awareness such as painting a zebra crossing to ease movement for especially pupils who struggle crossing the busy road from their homes.
“There have been numerous reports of near close fatalities involving fast moving cars and boda bodas at this spot yet this school environment. We therefore felt it’s our responsibility to ensure that cases of accidents are minimized around this spot before they happen,” Kakembo says.
The area is home to numerous Primary, Secondary and Universities branches. Some of the schools include; Good Care Education Center, Mbale High School, Mbale Senior Secondary School. There is also Mukono University Business School and Makerere University Business School (MUBS)-Mbale branch.
Sarah Nekesa a resident of Namatala Drive and a mother of 3 children welcomed the initiative of marking the Zebra Crossing saying it will go a long way ensuring that pupils who cross the road
She says there are a number of reckless boda boda riders who need to be cautioned on respecting the Zebra crossing.
“These boda bodas are the most dangerous along this route. When I take my children to school, I make sure I across with them.But with this zebra crossing, i believe drivers will be more careful,” she says.
Kakembo however, says APA together with the Mbale Municipal Council, Industrial Division and the Traffic Police will be involved in the initiative to promote community awareness on how to stay safe on the roads.
Road safety experts say there are 200,000 road/traffic accident victims the country registers each year.
It is also believed that road accidents cost the country 1.8trillion of Uganda’s GDP in terms of health care for victims.