The government of Uganda has sought the permission of Parliament to borrow 108 billion shillings from the International Fund for Agricultural Development to finance the second phase of the Vegetable Oil Development Project.
The project which was conceived in the 1990’s to reduce Uganda’s heavy reliance on imported vegetable oil in its first phase has by far tried to achieve this objective.
The State Minister for Agriculture Aggrey Bagire, has told Parliament that the overall objective of the second phase of this project is to use the domestic production of vegetable oil and its by products to increase incomes for small holder producers and ensuring the supply of affordable vegetable oil products to Ugandans.
He says the reason why the funding of the second phase of this project is being asked for at this time is because since this is a follow up on the first phase of the project and that there should be an uninterruptible transition between the first and second phase.
The second phase of this project is set to end on 30th June 2012 though the 8 year second phase of this project is planned to be effective by 2011.
By Zacharia Tiberindwa, Ultimate Media