The bomb blasts that left more than 78 people dead in Kampala last Sunday night will not affect preparations for 2011 general elections in Uganda.
The chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Eng. Badru Kiggundu has said the commission’s election programme will go on as scheduled. He says the commission is sure that the sporadic bomb attacks on Kampala from suspected terrorists are containable and Ugandans should not get worried that the polls will not take place.
By Monday this week, after the bomb blasts which targeted party goers at the Ethiopian Village Kabalagala and Kyadondo Rugby Club, there was a wave of panic among some Ugandans that the commission will fail to organize 2011 polls.
A survey Ultimate Media journalists have conducted this morning in Kampala’s busy spots revealed that the government has almost tripled the security at the Electoral Commission head offices on Jinja road in Kampala. There is tight screening of visitors to the commission.