MP urges Ugandans to get tougher in fight for better environment to avoid climate change disasters

The Member of Parliament for Mbarara Municipality John Arimpa Kigyagi has called upon Ugandans to step up their efforts for a better environment in Uganda and the fight against the challenge of climate change.

John Arimpa Kigyagi

Climate Change is the partly the reason why Uganda has faced a number climate related disasters like the land slides in Buduuda in the recent past. Though the government and other stakeholders seem to have realised the threats that effects of climate change pose to the nation, there seems to be no serious efforts the country taken by the various stakeholders to curtail the effects of climate change.

Kigyagi has told Parliament that as a country Uganda needs to take seriously the issue of climate change and act fast because it is a real danger to the country.

He says for example Ugandans should work hard to ensure the saving of energy through environmental friendly practices that conserve trees, since it is one of the ways that Ugandans can fight climate change and one thing that almost all Ugandans can do.

He Climate Change is the reason why in the recent past Uganda has been a victim of extreme climate disasters like floods, droughts and disasters.

By Zakaria Tiberindwa, Ultimate Media

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