Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships 2011 in Advanced Clay Science

The Erasmus Mundus Masters Course “International Master in Advanced Clay Science” plans to form high level graduates in the field of clay science by providing them the competence, fundamental knowledge and skill necessary to perfectly assimilate the more recent developments in clay science and their applied perspectives.

The term “Clay Science” is used in its widest sense as it covers a very large and multidisciplinary domain, with career prospects in the cement and ceramic industry, paper and paint industry, civil engineering, geotechnics, nanotechnology, mineralogy-crystallography, pedology, geology, medicine, cosmectic industry, foods, petroleum and mining industry, environmental cleanup, groundwater protection. The IMACS provides a complete background in the main fields of clay science and technology as well as an in depth professional specialisation in two of the following fields :

  • “Environment, Soil and Geological system”
  • “Geomaterials and Civil Engineering – Assessment and processing”
  • “Advanced clay, Nanomaterial ”
  • “Healing minerals ”

Student candidates for an EMMC scholarship

In order to make the programme more attractive for Third-Country nationals, the amount of the full study scholarship will be higher for Third-Country master students (Category A scholarships) than for European master students (Category B scholarships).

More specifically :

  • Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than a Member State of the European Union, an EEA-EFTA State (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein), Turkey, the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.) or Switzerland and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
  • Category B scholarships can be awarded to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia and who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.
  • Important restrictions :
    Scholarship candidates must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices.
    Individuals who have already benefited from an EMMC scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship in order to follow the same or another EMMC.
    Students benefiting from an EMMC scholarship cannot benefit from another Community grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus masters studies. EMMC students scholarships are awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment in one of the course editions.The scholarship amounts are summarized in the following table :

Tuitions Fees:

Tuition fees are EUR 8000 by year for both non European (“Third country”) and European students.

For granted European students 4 000 € are provided by the EM student scholarship and 4 000 € are provided by the programme (not to be paid by the student).

All students (granted or not) will pay their fees yearly in September to the Registration office of the hosting UP institution.

These fees include (I) the institutional, teaching, logistical, and organisational costs during the courses, (III) the student’s insurance (health and accident risk), (III) the language training proposed by the IMACS programme, and (IV) participation costs to go to the scientific meeting organised jointly with the French Clay Group (GFA), and to go to the Farewell congress (from P5 hosting institution).

These fees do not include (I) travel expenses between the different training periods, (II) housing rental, (III) administrative cost other than the academic ones (cost due to emigration procedures, banking…).


The application is an online procedure. However, the originals of academic documents, hardcopy of letters and application report have to be sent by post mail by the deadline.

The online process saves automatically your data on our website and you have the possibility to update and correct them until the official deadline.

You need to be registered for a full access to the application process and for updating your data. Once registered, please, use the “Intra-IMACSStudent” in order to modify your application.

How to apply:

Points of submission:

The application has to be validated online and submitted by post mail by the deadline using the address below :

EMMC-IMACS International Master Advanced Clay Science (Application)
Faculté de Sciences Fondamentales & Appliquées – Service scolarité
Université de Poitiers, 40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau,

Deadlines (receiving date) for applications:

  • 31st December 2010 for Third-Country* students applying for an Erasmus Mundus scholarships
  • 30th April 2011 for European students applying for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship
  • 15th June 2011 for students who do not wish to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

Further scholarship details and application:

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