Fund Journalism

Help us tell the important stories that will shape a better tomorrow. Support Journalism Plus. We need funds to assign stories of public importance that are currently not affordable for media houses and journalists or not of much commercial interest.

To give you a picture of what your financial help can do

*200,000UGX or $100 pays for an experienced reporter’s per diem (expenses in the field) for a day.

*200,000UGX or $100 pays for transport costs in the field including fuel (upcountry) per day

*300,000UGX or $150 can hire a good video and photo camera for two days assignment OR

*1,600,000UGX or $800 can buy a fair photo camera that can also record good web video

*10,000,000UGX or $5,000 can buy a fairly good HD video camera

*500,000 UGX or $250 can meet honorarium fees for a journalist per well done and produced story

*300,000UGX or $150 can buy an audio recorder or a digital camera to improve a journalist’s work

*2,000,000UGX 0r $1,000 can buy a laptop for a journalist to help them undertake the assignment more reliably without competition for computers or space in our offices or at their place of work.

*1,200,000UGX 0r $600 buys a portable scanner—essential for copying government or company records on site and avoiding high document fees in photocopying or fear of taking out documents.

*2,800,000 or $1,400 can pay a journalist for dedicated reporting on an issue or field for a month, e.g. follow up and write gender, health, environmental or agriculture stories (least  5 news story per week)

Contact: jplus(at) Tel+256414953555/ +256772344614/+256772627676

*Each donor will be given an acknowledgement receipt and posted here online as such