WCC invites Youth Internship Programme in Geneva

WCC invites  Youth Internship Programme in Geneva WCC Youth Internship Programme: The World Council of Churches welcomes young people (aged 18-30 years) to serve as interns in its Geneva offices. Interns work in a World Council of Churches (WCC) programme for a one-year period. During this time, they gain work experience in an ecumenical field […]

Causes of umbilical cord accidents

  Causes of cord accidents or obstructed labour that is to say the baby gets stuck on its way either because it is too big or the mother’s bones are too narrow. There is also umbilical cord prolapse-this is when part of the cord drops out of the birth canal especially when ‘waters’ break through, […]

Making morning exercises controls heart disease

  Benefits of making morning exercises: It increases fat-burning capabilities and the metabolic rate during and after exercise. Help to increase the HDL (good cholesterol), building cardiovascular endurance and this can help you to reduce risk of plaque build up and it reduces of developing heart diseases. It can reduce risk of colon cancer, controls […]

Kitaferi: plant whose seeds treat intestinal wounds, diabetes and toothache

Benefits of kitaferi (it is a crop in Uganda): Its seeds are used in the treatment of intestinal worms. Its leaves are used in controlling diabetes, and its roots and bark are often used in the treatment of toothache. Regular consumption of ekitaferi (rampha) aids/ helps in prevention of anaemia. The crop is effective in […]

How to avoid bad breath

  Many people especially in slums produce bad breath. When they talk one feels bad smell. But this can be avoided and in this news article we bring to you how it can be stopped. How to avoid bad breath: avoid spicy foods, onions and where applicable avoid eating too much garlic. Brush your teeth […]

How to protect your foot against injuries, diseases

  Foot care tips for you. Wash your feet daily and trim your toes and nails because long nails can harbour bacteria which cause infections. Seek medical attention and have wounds treated appropriately in order to avoid hurts on your foot. Check your feet for blisters, cuts, sores, redness or swelling almost everyday. Learn to […]

50% of men have cancer virus- researchers in US, Brazil and Mexico reveal

  About 50% of men in different parts of Africa and the world at large may have a cancer virus called the Human Wart Virus or HPV that causes cervical and other types of cancers. The presence of cancer viruses in men strengthens the case for vaccinating boys against HPV cancer viruses. Researchers studied infection […]

How to beat menstrual pains

How to beat menstrual pains: engage in regular physical activity, take a warm bath and use aromatherapy (natural oils with sweet smell). Relaxing reduces stress. Take ginger tea to lower your levels of pain-causing elementary and fight fatigue. Eat foods that are rich in magnesium i.e. greens, ground nuts and seeds, and also take omega-fatty […]

How to reduce stomach after delivery

  Hundreds of women across the globe desire to reduce the size of their stomachs after delivery. There are women whose stomachs remain big after delivery as if they are pregnant again whereas they are not. So in this article we have brought to you how you can reduce the size of your stomach after […]

DP denies being in bed with NRM

  There is an apparent war within Uganda opposition parties with some sharp allegations to the effect that some member parties like the Democratic Party (DP) have allied with the National Resistance Movement (NRM). However the spokesperson of DP, Kenneth Paul Kakande clears that there is no such alliance between DP and NRM. There is […]