By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Grants-in-Aid of Research Program (GIAR): There are no citizenship restrictions for Grants-in-Aid of Research Program (GIAR). International students and non-U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply. Only undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in degree seeking programs may apply. The Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research program has been providing undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa: With funds provided by Microsoft Research Ltd, TWAS and AAS encourage the organization of scientific activities on the theme of Computer Science in Africa by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, symposia and special meetings held in Africa. The support is normally provided in the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships, PhD Scholarships
Guaranteed Scholarships in Finance: Students studying full-time toward a PhD in Finance at the University of Melbourne, Australia are guaranteed a minimum living stipend of A$18,660 per year. For international students, the Department of Finance also guarantees the payment of their University of Melbourne PhD tuition fees. The guarantee is for the normal three year […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Opportunities & Awards
Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize: The Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize in the amount of $50,000 is awarded biannually to an individual or organization chosen by a distinguished panel of judges. The goal of this award is to enhance awareness of the critical role of religious dialogue in the pursuit of peace as well as to provide […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Hayek Fund for Scholars: International students are eligible for funding from the Hayek Fund for Scholars. Students of any university may apply for this fund. The Hayek Fund for Scholars makes strategic awards of up to $1,000 to graduate students and untenured faculty members for career-enhancing activities such as: Presentations at academic or professional conferences […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
HEC EGIDE EIFFEL Scholarships: Launched in January 1999 by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministère des Affaires Etrangères), the Eiffel Scholarship is designed to bolster international recruiting by French schools of higher education, at a time when competition to attract top foreign students is growing among developed countries. HEC reserves the right to submit […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Applications needed at Leopold Senghor Scholarships Leopold Senghor Scholarships: Recipients of the Leopold Senghor Scholarship are high-quality candidates who meet the HEC MBA standard selection criteria and have demonstrated: Excellence in academic achievements Aptitude in business, finance and management Leadership potential Profound interest in West Africa with a deep commitment to its economic development. Scholarship […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Funding for Human Rights Activists/Writers under the Hellman/Hammett Grant The Hellman/Hammett Grant is for writers, but even human rights activists who have been writing on issues and face the threat of persecution can also apply. – The grants are made possible by the estate of the American playwright Lillian Hellman with funds set up in […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University’s Center for International Development offers doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career fellowships in Sustainability Science. The fellowships are tenable at the Center for International Development during Harvard’s academic year beginning in September . Fellowships are available for 10 months (September-May ), 12 months (September -August ), the full semester (September-December […]
By Gerald Businge on June 6, 2012
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Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards
HEC MBA Scholarships for Excellence: The HEC Scholarships for Excellence are designed for exceptional applicants who understand the value proposition of an MBA from our top-ranked business school. In turn, the award is our way of attracting the best students and helping them achieve their personal and professional goals. Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria: All MBA […]