By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards
Applications are invited for attending the Indigenous Fellowship Programme, which runs from 1-4 months for different languages (English, French, Spanish and Russian). During the Programme, selected Fellows will be based at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva, Switzerland. The Fellows will undergo interactive trainings on topics […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Internships for graduate students are available at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). These internships are intended to: a) increase the intern’s understanding of current human rights issues at the international level and give them an insight into the work of the United Nations and OHCHR in particular; […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Uganda Scholarships
The Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma invites midcareer journalists to apply for the Ochberg Fellowship Program, a seminar program for journalists who want to deepen their knowledge of emotional trauma and psychological injury and improve coverage of violence, conflict, and tragedy. The program accepts applications from journalists worldwide. Fellows attend an intensive weeklong […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Health, Sciences Scholarships
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is calling for entries for the Dick Martin Scholarship Award. This annual, national award is available to students enrolled in an occupational health and safety course or programme in an accredited college or university in Canada, leading to an occupational health and safety certificate, diploma […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Health, Masters Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Emergency and Critical Care Nursing (EMECC NURSING) is the first international joint degree in advanced nursing available in Europe. It offers a highly specialized education in nursing, with an advanced perspective. The programme combines theoretical teaching, research methodology and activities, communication & management of critical scenarios and advanced […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards, Sciences Scholarships
Awards have been made to more than 400 research workers over the years. It enables young scientists from any country to attend symposia as active discussants and then spend up to twelve weeks in the laboratory of one of the participants. More than 100 bursaries have been awarded. The purpose of the Novartis Foundation […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Statens Lånekasse) is responsible for managing the financial support provided for the Quota students. Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. About 30 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 70 per cent […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships
The European Commission grants NOHA Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students and scholars – to students to follow the NOHA Mundus Masters Course, to scholars to carry out teaching and research assignments and scholarly work in the NOHA universities participating in the Course. Graduate Student Grants: […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Masters Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The purpose of the programme is to support a candidate(s) in the acquisition of a postgraduate degree at the Master’s level, the provision of a defined service, the acquisition of skills or the promotion/development of intra- and inter-institutional exchange, and training and research networks. The annual number of awards and the extent thereof is […]
By editor1 on March 25, 2014
Africa scholarships, Masters Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), a project funded by the World Bank, is offering Masters of Science scholarships. In order to enhance the sustainability and applicability of the Nile Basin DSS, the WRPM Project intends to offer ten Master’s of Science Scholarships in areas relevant for water resources Decision Support System. The scholarship covers […]