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fashion rap group call out publication for using their image in place of ‘gang’. by gerald businge february 15, 2025
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government to open cd manufacturing factory. by isaac senabulya february 11, 2016 0 government is to establish a cd manufacturing factory to help the film industry growth. this was revealed by the registrar general bemanya twebaze while meeting the film makers at the national. read moredetails
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europe gets it’s first underwater art museum. by emma laura n. kisa february 11, 2016 0 swimming in it’s own right is a great exercise and an amazing pastime that many embrace and enjoy. however, british artist jason decaires taylor has managed to make that experience even better. read moredetails
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choosing paint and colour for your home. by gerald businge january 11, 2015 1 by christine kate now that you are finalizing the building of that dear home, it is time to think of how you are going to paint your home to make. read moredetails
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eat avacados for excellent skin complexion. by zam zam nakityo january 11, 2015 0 avocados are mother nature's skin moisturizer. with their healthy fats and phytonutrients, they offer remarkable benefits to human skin when either eaten or used topically. a naturally fatty fruit, avocado. read moredetails
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too much lip balm can lead to lip dryness. by zam zam nakityo january 11, 2015 1 dryness of the lips is caused by bacteria, though these bacterias can not be spread from one person to the other. lips add more value to your beauty and it’s. read moredetails
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umoja cultural flying carpet back in kampala. by walakira october 10, 2013 1 umoja cultural flying carpet is once again back to kampala. the cultural event (umoja) will land in kampala on saturday 12th october 2013. this year’s show will be held. read moredetails
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miss uganda wanted by police over child stealing. by walakira october 4, 2013 0 miss uganda 2008, miss dorah mwima is not a happy woman these days as the police are hunting for her over a child she is keeping illegally. miss uganda is. read moredetails
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uganda gets permission to translate film taking root. by walakira march 8, 2013 0 uganda has received permission to translate and dub the film taking root: the vision of wangari maathai into acholi. ugandans are looking for those who wish to help. read moredetails
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ragae legend bob marley in uganda is ‘worshiped’ by rastafarians, thieves and robbers. by walakira january 11, 2015 0 on wednesday 6th february 2013 was another birthday of the fallen ragae legend bob marley. the singer was one of the major promoters of the rastafarian movement around the world. read moredetails
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how sweet is falling in love with older partner. by walakira september 15, 2012 4 a lot of people may say that age is a state of mind, that a person is only as old as they feel. that is an upbeat and optimistic approach. read moredetails
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