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education enhancing media coverage of sexual and reproductive health. by zam zam nakityo december 9, 2024
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understanding ‘ethics’ towards ‘bioethics’. by charles jurua january 31, 2020 0 ‘bioethics’ as derived from ‘ethics’ in our day-to-day lives we encounter words like ‘you are right’, ‘you are wrong’, ‘that is the best’, ‘that is the worst’ plus others that. read moredetails
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youth interested in agriculture – report. by isaac senabulya july 13, 2016 0 a report made by non governmental organization, driving the youth-led new agribusiness and microenterprise (dynamic) shows that 62% of the youth who are out of school in 8 districts of northern uganda. read moredetails
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iran to start new phase of bilateral relations with uganda. by gerald businge march 3, 2016 0 the iranian ambassador to uganda h.e dr. amir hossein nikbin has announced plans to open a new phase in technical support and bilateral relations with uganda following the lifting of. read moredetails
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traders asked to tap into duty-free zones as 90 companies suspended for sub-standard work. by gerald businge february 29, 2016 0 the trade, industry and co-ops minister, amelia kyambadde reminded all ugandan traders to always take up opportunities available to them to always exploit markets in the provided free trade zones. read moredetails
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parliament rejects proposal to appropriate funds for pibid. by isaac senabulya december 23, 2015 0 the parliamentary budget committee chaired by bulambuli county mp wamakuyu mudimi has rejected the proposal of the finance committee to appropriate funds for the presidential initiatives on banana industrial development. read moredetails
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ministry calls for revolving fund to assist in fertilizer importation. by isaac senabulya december 22, 2015 0 the ministry of agriculture has called for establishment of a separate revolving fund to assist traders who are dealing in fertilizer importation. under the 2016-2017 budget frame work paper, the ministry. read moredetails
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kcca appoints committee to manage usafi. by gerald businge december 18, 2015 0 kampala capital city authority (kcca) has appointed a committee of 14 leaders to manage the affairs of usafi market on its behalf. meeting the leaders at city hall in kampala, the. read moredetails
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presidential candidates should focus on income generating projects – nanyunja. by isaac senabulya december 15, 2015 0 project by sot-uganda the aspiring member of parliament for kawempe north robinnah nanyunja has called on the presidential candidates for 2016 to focus on income generating projects for the people. read moredetails
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quit instead of giving low standard work – public servants told. by isaac senabulya december 7, 2015 0 the presidential advisor on finance dr. ezra suruma called on the public servants who claim to be underpaid and experiencing pay delays to quit the government service instead of remaining. read moredetails
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support service providers in social enterprise. by isaac senabulya november 19, 2015 0 solar lighting and charging systems distributed by barefoot power uganda, a social enterprise focused on serving people at the base of the global economic pyramid. photo: construction review business experts. read moredetails
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