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education jobs educational software trainer needed. by agnes tumuheire april 29, 2019
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phd scholarship in nitrogen-cycle in anoxic groundwater systems.2010denmark. by gerald businge january 3, 2011 0 are you interested in a research career and in working at the frontiers of biogeochemical processes? then here is an opportunity to do a phd in an internationally recognized research. read moredetails
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postdoc in high throughput testing for superconductivity and low-temperature magnetic transitions in ternary metal alloys at dtu, denmark. by gerald businge january 3, 2011 0 the risø national laboratory for sustainable energy, which is part of the technical university of denmark, is seeking a motivated researcher for a post-doctoral position. the position is within a new. read moredetails
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the 2011-12 austrian marshall plan foundation fellows in central european studies, usa. by gerald businge december 28, 2010 0 study subject: any subject employer: the euce at the georgia institute of technology level: doctorate and post doctorate scholarship description: the austrian marshall plan foundation fellowships in central european studies. read moredetails
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postdoctoral position in the phononic and photonic nanostructure group, spain. by gerald businge december 2, 2010 0 candidates should have expertise in at least one family of nanoscale characterization techniques study subject: physics or material sciences employer: the catalan institute of nanotechnology level: postdoctoral scholarship description: the. read moredetails
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african humanities fellowship program 2011. by gerald businge november 7, 2010 0 applicants must be nationals and residents of a country in sub-saharan africa, with a current affiliation at an institution in ghana, nigeria, south africa, tanzania, or uganda. funding is available. read moredetails
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phd position, institute of general and applied linguistics and cultural studies (iask), germany. by gerald businge november 7, 2010 0 postdoctoral researcher is expected to conduct independent research with projects embedded in the group’s research themes study subject: science employer: heidelberg university level: phd scholarship description: the department of computational. read moredetails
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maastricht university phd studentship in statistics, netherlands. by gerald businge october 29, 2010 0 this research project, funded by a grant from the netherlands organisation for scientific research (nwo), is about efficient design of intervention studies in psychology and health sciences. such studies concern. read moredetails
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phd scholarship in materials behavior & degradation, tu delft. by gerald businge october 23, 2010 0 the faculty of civil engineering and geosciences provides leading, international research and education in road and water engineering, earth sciences, traffic and transport control, and delta technology. innovation and sustainability. read moredetails
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post-doc/phd studentships: grace follow-on, aerospace engineering. by gerald businge october 23, 2010 0 the faculty of aerospace engineering has an enrollment of 1,700 students, which is one of the largest faculties of tu delft. the faculty is one of the highest international ranking. read moredetails
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msc/phd scholarships in laser photonics, nonlinear optics and biophotonics, canada. by gerald businge october 10, 2010 0 the biomedical photonics group within the department of electrical and computer engineering at the university of manitoba, canada, has open positions for msc and phd students job description: the research. read moredetails
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