War Child UK was established in 1993 in response to the effects of the Balkans war. Since then, it has continued to work very closely with local communities and other...
The Institute for Media Innovation (IMI http://imi.ntu.edu.sg/) at Nanyang Technological University invites applications for doctoral positions to work in Singapore, in the area of physics based simulation of clothes, virtual...
The objective of this assignment is to design a virtual networking platform that users and providers of African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services can use for networking and collaborating in...
Are you interested in a research career and in working at the frontiers of biogeochemical processes? Then here is an opportunity to do a PhD in an internationally recognized research...
The Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, which is part of The Technical University of Denmark, is seeking a motivated Researcher for a Post-doctoral position. The position is within a new...
The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering has an enrollment of 1,700 students, which is one of the largest faculties of TU Delft. The faculty is one of the highest international ranking...
The Biomedical Photonics Group within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Canada, has open positions for MSc and PhD students Job Description: The research...
PhD Scholarship for international students at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Job Description: During 2011, the Fundación “la Caixa” will provide support for ten highly qualified graduate students to...
The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applications for a number of PhD scholarships starting in February 2011. Job description: We are interested in applications that focus on one or...
Description: Text to Change, a Dutch NGO is looking for a project coordinator to strenghten the team and office of Text to Change in Uganda. The project that needs a...