Public Platform

African River Basin Organizations Meet in Mbabane, Swaziland

Her Royal Highness Princess Tsandzile, Minister of Natural Resources and Energy of Swaziland, graced the opening ceremony of the African Network of Basin Organizations at the Orion Piggs Peak Hotel in Mbabane, Swaziland. “River Basins are crucial in any country’s economic development as they hold water reservoirs with multi-function such as domestic use and sanitation, […]

East Africa Parliament passes EAC Budget estimates for 2010/2911 financial year

East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania, Thursday 3 May 2010: The East African Legislative Assembly today passed the East African Community Budget for the Financial Year 2010/2011 at its 5th Meeting-3rd Session held at the Mombasa Municipal Council Chambers. The Budget, amounting to US$ 59,963,040, was passed after the Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers […]

Keneth Marende launches East African Legislative Assembly Strategic Plan (2010-2012) and Website

East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania, Wednesday 2 June 2010: The Speaker of the Kenya National Assembly, Hon. Kenneth Marende  (MP) today officially launched the East African Legislative Assembly Strategic Plan (2010-2012) and the Assembly’s Website at the Serena Beach Hotel, in Mombasa, Kenya. The Launch was attended by among others; the Chairperson of the […]

How to Change the Media's Mind to cover more agriculture

By Urban C. Lehner A good question deserves a considered answer, and sometimes the questions requiring the most consideration are the seemingly simple ones. So when Jack Keller, ad-sales manager for DTN/The Progressive Farmer, asked the other week why the media has an anti-agricultural bias, I begged for time to think. Here’s a belated stab […]

Netherlands Fellowship for PhDs, Masters and short courses

The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) are demand-driven fellowship programmes designed to promote capacity building within organizations in 61 developing countries by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members. The NFP is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the development cooperation budget. Half of the available fellowships should be awarded to […]

Makerere University organises an Entrepreneurship conference

Between 7th June to 30th July 2010 all roads will be leading to Uganda’s biggest and oldest University of Makerere for the ‘Micro-finance and Entrepreneurship Project-AIESEC Uganda’ conference. According to a statement from the University the conference will enhance the ability of students to explore their innovativeness in the fields of microfinance and entrepreneurship. The […]

MobileMonday Kampala Health for Mother and Child discussions at UNICEF reactions

“Thanks so much for what you are doing for the MoMoKla. I loved it when i saw presentations together with hot Q & A. After this, I interacted with some delegates and they were [of the opinion that] if MoMokla had come earlier on, Uganda could be a different country…tremendous change in Technology  with the […]

People's Voices Must be Heard in Climate Negotiations in Bonn

PRESS RELEASE 2 June 2010 For Immediate Release Contact: Alex Rafalowicz + 49 1525 991 8665   $20 Per Year Will Not Solve Climate Change People’s Voices Must be Heard in Climate Negotiations BONN – Today, Ambassador Pablo Solon of the Plurinational State of Bolivia highlighted Bolivia’s concern over current UN climate negotiations. The Ambassador […]

Scholarships at University of Groningen for International Studnets

The University of Groningen was awarded both the Diploma Supplement label and the ECTS label as the first and only higher education institution in the Netherlands. The labels are a ‘certification’ awarded by the European Commission to those institutions that have properly implemented these two aspects of the Bologna agenda. The introduction of the Bologna […]