By Gerald Businge on March 27, 2010
and when, answering people's question on anything, get answers, know the how
Ask us any question and WeInformers shall answer it for you here after researching and interviewing the experts and relevant sources. Weinfomers intends to present all the news and information that you want to learn or know about. We shall endevour to present it in Multimedia forms as possible. We also expect people in the […]
By Gerald Businge on March 27, 2010
Public Platform
This is your platform to inform and engage. Post your news, views and concerns here so you can be read, heard, and engaged by people from all over the world. Sign up and start positing away. Remember to respect the Terms of Use. WeInformers is a safe site for you to inform and engage – see our […]
By Gerald Businge on March 27, 2010
history of print media, New media versus traditional media, technology advances in media communication and journalism, technology effects on media and journalism
Media Gallery, Opinions, Timely Reflections
By Gerald Businge March 2010 There is currently a big debate in the US about the survival or not of traditional media like newspapers, radio and television due to the increasing popularity of online forms of news and information access. I come from a different environment in Uganda where the disruptions on traditional media and […]