By editor1 on February 27, 2014
Africa scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Research M & E, Uganda Scholarships
This scholarship programme is directed at scholars in Africa, engaged in research on the African continent. Female researchers are especially encouraged to apply for these scholarships. Applications are invited from scholars preferably with research projects related to the following current research themes at the Institute: Cultural Images in and of Africa Global Trade and […]
By editor1 on February 27, 2014
Africa scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Research M & E, Uganda Scholarships
The objectives of this programme are to promote inter-university co-operation through academic mobility and to enhance the quality of teaching and research in African universities. DAAD co-operates with the IUCEA in the allocation of funding each year to IUCEA’s African Staff Exchange Programme with respect to teaching assignments, courses and seminars to which credits […]
By editor1 on February 26, 2014
Africa scholarships, Health, Research M & E
The African Fellowship Programme on Neglected Tropical Diseases has launched its call for proposals from African scientists for its prestigious Fellowships for research in into diseases such as bilharzia, elephantiasis, worms, diarrhea and sleeping sickness. The programme offers fellowships for both junior researchers who have recently completed their doctorates awards and experienced researchers ready […]
By editor1 on February 26, 2014
Africa scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Research M & E
AGFS Scholarships are available to eligible candidates to undertake a higher degree by research at the University of Adelaide. Up to 15 scholarships may be available to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline. The Research Priority Areas of the University will be taken into consideration when awarding […]
By editor1 on February 26, 2014
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Research M & E
The Adam Smith Research Foundation has been established to promote and sustain research within the UK, European and international arenas. The Foundation promotes the engagement of staff in key policy debates and in shaping policy for the future. It provides the environment in which to foster further links between the Faculty’s disciplines and supports […]
By editor1 on February 24, 2014
Masters Scholarships, Opportunities & Awards, PhD Scholarships, Research M & E
The International Federation of University Women offers a limited number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training. IFUW fellowships and grants are open only to women graduates who are members of IFUW’s national federations and associations and to IFUW Independent Members. Students in any branch of learning […]
By editor1 on February 22, 2014
Africa scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Research M & E, Uganda Scholarships
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is a non-profit foundation established by the Federal Republic of Germany for the promotion of international research cooperation. It enables highly qualified scholars not resident in Germany to spend extended periods of research in Germany and promotes the ensuing academic contacts. The Humboldt Foundation promotes an active world-wide network […]
By editor1 on February 22, 2014
Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Research M & E
Ian Wark Research Institute (The Wark) ARC Special Research Centre. The Wark is seeking new graduates, or graduates with work experience, for a number of prestigious Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) projects. These scholarships will enable students to undertake research projects of strategic importance. Outcomes will add to fundamental scientific understanding, and will have direct […]
By editor1 on February 22, 2014
Masters Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Research M & E
The IARC fellowship programme, initiated in 1966, is designed for young postdoctoral fellows, with no previous postdoctoral experience, from any country in the world who wish to receive training in another country and subsequently return to their own country to implement and develop programmes in cancer research or cancer control. The areas of training […]
By editor1 on February 22, 2014
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Research M & E
ICARDA’s internship program is designed to provide practical experience in research and other areas of the Center’s activities for eligible applicants. The subject should be of mutual interest to the intern and the hosting Program/Unit of ICARDA. The internship will usually be for a period of one to six months, as per the need, […]