Research M & E

International students are eligible to apply for post- doctoral research in Europe.

  The European Molecular Biology Organization Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support post‐doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key feature in the application process. All fellowships must involve movement between countries and one of those countries must be an EMBC […]

Researchers worldwide are eligible to apply for ISDI scientific exchange fellowship. The ISID Scientific Exchange Fellowship Program was established in 1992 to promote collaboration among researchers in different countries by enabling infectious disease researchers in the formative stage of their career to extend their research experience in institutions outside of their region. These awards are […]

Get significant opportunity in doctoral research in new Zealand.

  The New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships(NZIDRS) offer a significant educational opportunity. New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS) are open to all international students who meet the eligibility criteria. NZIDRS scholarships include: Full tuition fees for three (3) years of full-time doctoral study Up to NZ$600 per annum health insurance allowance NZ$2000 (across […]

Individuals from developing countries can submit applications in Educational Research.

  The Center for International Health (CIH) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, was established as an integrative institution for the coordination of already existing projects on development cooperation & tropical disease research at LMU. Primary objective is to promote educational and research activities within developing countries, in order to establish and enhance a generation of scientists […]

Study research for doctoral training in European countries.

  The European Doctor in Industrial Management (EDIM) is a four-year state-of-the-art doctoral research program for doctoral training addressing managerial issues of significance for the future competitiveness and sustainability of the industrial companies of Europe. The mission of the program is to generate cutting-edge knowledge at the intersection of engineering and management. Graduate Fellowships EDIM […]

Opportunity for Africans to get research in federal science policy in Belgium.

  The stimulation of international mobility and the attraction of researchers from abroad is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. In this context and intending to stimulate the S&T cooperation, the Federal Science Policy Office does implement a fellowship scheme for highly qualified researchers (i.e. postdoctoral level or equivalent experience) from specific […]

Apply for postdoctoral training for East African researchers.

  Postdoctoral researchers are the main drivers of research in all major research institutions globally. Therefore KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, as part of capacity building and research leadership development, is keen to provide support for postdoctoral training for East African researchers particularly for those in the early stages of their careers. KEMRI-Wellcome has therefore defined […]

EDEEM announces doctoral programmes to researchers in University of Paris 1, France.

  European Doctorate in Economics Erasmus Mundus (EDEEM). EDEEM is a doctoral programme in economics that gathers 7 leading European institutions coordinated by University of Paris 1, France. EDEEM is a research-oriented programme and aims to produce top-quality researchers, who will gain international experience working within the research units with some of Europe’s leading researchers […]

Researchers from developing countries are called to senior fellowship in public health.

  Senior Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine: The scheme supports outstanding researchers from developing countries to establish themselves as leading investigators at an academic institution in a developing country location. Research projects must be in the area of public health or tropical medicine, aimed at understanding and controlling human and animal diseases of […]

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