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master graduates can now apply for a global health research fellowship. by editor1 on january 16, 2014 health , masters scholarships , research m & e. fhi 360’s global health research fellowship provides highly motivated master’s-level graduates with an opportunity to work with world-renowned researchers in global health. research topics include reproductive health, hiv/aids, and other infectious diseases. the program offers fellows practical experience in research operations and an opportunity to expand their research skills by making important contributions to […].
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idb announces scholarship for researchers in science and technology studies. by editor1 on january 16, 2014 research m & e , sciences scholarships. the idb merit scholarship programme for high technology (msp) aims at developing technically qualified human resources in the idb member countries by providing scholarships to promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and research in the fields of applied science and technology needed for the development of the member countries. the […].
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apply for a research project at welcome trusts biomedical ethics program. by editor1 on january 16, 2014 africa scholarships , arts/humanities scholarships , research m & e. this grant meets the direct costs of a research project falling within the objectives of the wellcome trust’s biomedical ethics programme, where such expenses cannot be met by the applicant’s host institution. who can apply? principal applicants should be based in a developing country. coapplicants may be based in a developing country […].
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apply for research conference in germany. by editor1 on january 15, 2014 africa scholarships , arts/humanities scholarships , research m & e. the irmgard coninx research grant is available for conference participants attending the conference on “from rebellion to revolution: dynamics of political change”in germany. the conference wants to examine the dynamics of political (and often violent) unrest that lead to, or at least aims at, fundamental structural transformations of political regimes and alterations in power […].
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research students from africa may apply for an adrian hasting scholarship. by editor1 on january 15, 2014 africa scholarships , arts/humanities scholarships , research m & e. adrian hastings africa scholarship – theology scholarships: the adrian hastings africa scholarship commemorates the late emeritus professor of theology and renowned historian of the church in africa adrian hastings. it supports some of the many african applicants unable to take up places in the school of theology, university of leeds, through lack of funding. […].
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get research fellowships for postgraduates in icraf. by editor1 on january 15, 2014 research m & e , sciences scholarships. icraf is pleased to announce the availability of thesis research fellowships for postgraduate students wishing to conduct their thesis research in collaboration with icraf scientists. the fellowships are tenable at any university in countries where icraf has effective scientific contacts. the grant will be used to cover expenses arising from field research (including […].
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women are highly encouraged to attend &participate in google research conferences. by editor1 on january 15, 2014 opportunities & awards , research m & e , sciences scholarships. as part of google’s ongoing commitment to encouraging women to excel in computing and technology, google offers emea travel and conference grants to encourage more female computer scientists to attend and participate in research conferences. award winners will be chosen from the applicant pool to receive: free registration for the conference 1000 euros for […].
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researchers from developing countries can apply for research in agriculture &resource management. by editor1 on january 15, 2014 agriculture , research m & e , sciences scholarships. the crawford fund derek tribe award is made biennially in recognition of distinguished contributions to the application of research in agriculture and natural resource management in a developing country or countries. the aim of the fellowship is to provide further training of a scientist in agriculture, fisheries or forestry from a selected group of […].
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researchers in the field of hiv infection are provided with financial support from trust charitable foundation. by editor1 on january 15, 2014 health , research m & e , sciences scholarships. the hiv research trust is a charitable foundation that provides financial support for researchers in resource – poor countries working in the field of hiv infection. the support is in the form of scholarships awarded annually. these are designed for the research worker to travel to another research unit to learn techniques that will […].
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apply for industrial teaching and research related to radio, television and electronic media in usa. by editor1 on january 10, 2014 arts/humanities scholarships , research m & e. bea is the professional development association for professors, industry professionals and students involved in teaching and research related to radio, television, and electronic media. (usa) bea administers fifteen scholarships annually, to honor broadcasters and the broadcast industry. the bea two year award is for study at member schools offering only freshman and sophomore instruction, […].
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