Africa scholarships

Scholarships for African Women to study science & technology and more opportunities.

  Graça Machel Scholarship Programme for African Women – offers African women scholarships. Funding opportunities for women – grants, fellowships for African women. The key aim of the Graca Machel Scholarship Programme is to help provide the female human resources necessary for economic, social, and cultural development in the Southern African region and to develop […]

Grameen Foundation Fellowship for leaders in Africa to fight against poverty.

  Grameen Foundation is an industry leader in the fight against poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Middle East/North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Grameen Foundation’s cutting-edge programs have helped millions of poor people improve their lives and progress out of poverty. Our goal is simple– by providing access to appropriate financial services, life-changing information […]

Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa provided by Microsoft research Ltd.

  With funds provided by Microsoft Research Ltd, TWAS and AAS encourage the organization of scientific activities on the theme of Computer Science in Africa by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, symposia and special meetings held in Africa. The support is normally provided in the form of travel grants for principal […]

Green Store Challenge Fellowships for talented adults at DO school in Germany.

  The DO School offers a unique one-year educational program that enables talented young adults to launch their own innovative and sustainable social ventures. The program allows Fellows to learn from passionate peers, engage with current leaders and experts, and create change by implementing these social ventures in their home countries. The goal of the […]

Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize for individual organizations chosen by panel of Judges.

  The Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize in the amount of $50,000 is awarded biannually to an individual or organization chosen by a distinguished panel of judges. The goal of this award is to enhance awareness of the critical role of religious dialogue in the pursuit of peace as well as to provide direct support for […]

Leopold Senghor Scholarships for French speaking African nationals who meet HEC MBA standards.

  Recipients of the Leopold Senghor Scholarship are high-quality candidates who meet the HEC MBA standard selection criteria and have demonstrated: Excellence in academic achievements Aptitude in business, finance and management Leadership potential Profound interest in West Africa with a deep commitment to its economic development. Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the […]

Funding for Human Rights Activists/Writers under the Hellman/Hammett Grant

  The Hellman/Hammett Grant is for writers, but even human rights activists who have been writing on issues and face the threat of persecution can also apply. – The grants are made possible by the estate of the American playwright Lillian Hellman with funds set up in her name and that of her long-time companion, […]

Health Fellowship for Africans to improve health systems on the continent.

  The African Field Epidemiology Network is a non-profit organization and networking alliance of field Epidemiology Training Programs in Africa. AFENET is dedicated to helping Ministries of Health in Africa build strong , effective, sustainable programs and capacity to improve public health systems on the continent. The “One Health” concept is an approach that seeks […]

Heinrich Boll Foundation Sponsorships for undergraduates to students of all nationalities

  Students of all nationalities are invited to apply for the Heinrich Böll Foundation undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral scholarships. Scholarships are for students of all subjects and nationalities pursuing their degree at universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunsthochschulen’) in Germany. About 1,000 scholarships are offered per year. Scholarship recipients are […]

Highway Africa Awards for appreciating journalists for using new media technology in Africa.

  The awards are given annually at the Highway Africa Conference to recognise and promote the creative, innovative and appropriate use of new media technology in Africa. Judges are looking for innovative applications of New Media in African journalism and the media. Awards are given in three categories: 1. Individual and Non-profit category: Recognition will […]

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