Arts/Humanities Scholarships

Rhodes International Postgraduate Scholarships 2011, Oxford University

The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting exceptional all-round students at the University of Oxford. Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international graduate scholarship program in the world. A class of 82 Scholars is selected each year from Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Germany, […]

Hedley Bull Scholarship: MA in International Relations, Australia National University

The Graduate Studies in International Affairs program offers up to four Hedley Bull Scholarships each year for full-time study in the Master of Arts (International Relations) commencing in semester one. Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Master of Arts (International Relations). When applying for the MA (International Relations), eligible applicants for the Hedley […]

Graduate Scholarships at Yokohama National University

Yokohama National University has for many years been instrumental in providing university graduates with opportunities to further their post-graduate work. The University’s special emphasis on the promotion of international exchanges with overseas universities has been stimulated by the role of Yokohama, a major port and the second largest city in Japan, as a point of […]

Make Your Future Bright With Business Administration

  As the scope of business expands with drastic changes and development in technology and global socioeconomics, there is a swift development in the career opportunities and jobs that require strong analytical and business skills. Business administration is a complete business programme providing rigorous training in management encompassing areas such as marketing, general management, human […]

Sheikh Kamal Adham Fellowship: Journalism and Mass Communication Scholarships

  The Sheikh Kamal Adham fellowship is awarded annually to one qualified graduate student who is a candidate for the Graduate Diploma in Electronic Journalism in the Journalism and Mass Communication Department. Eligibility Financial need. Academic performance in the program. Professional experience is also considered where applicable. Duration One year (two regular semesters). Award The […]

African Graduate Fellowship: Master’s Scholarships at American University in Cairo

  The African Graduate Fellowship is a competitive fellowship program for bright, highly motivated African students interested in pursuing a master’s degree at American University in Cairo (AUC). Each year, fellowships are offered to nationals of African countries (not including Egyptians) for full-time study in any of the graduate programs offered at AUC. Eligibility: African […]

Tuck School of Business Scholarships 2011-12 for MBA, USA

Tuck has a need-blind admissions policy, which means we offer admission to the most qualified candidates without regard to their financial circumstances. Tuck’s goal is to provide financial assistance to students who lack sufficient personal resources to finance their MBA education. Application for Scholarships: If you wish to be considered for scholarships, please submit the […]

Ailie Donald Bursary Postgraduate Scholarship of University of Edinburgh, UK

This bursary of £1,500 is awarded annually for full-time or part-time postgraduate study in English Language. Eligibility Candidates must give evidence of reasonable attempts to obtain alternative funding through the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Scottish Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme or equivalent bodies. The University of Edinburgh holds information about everyone who applies […]

2011 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Students, Mexico

Macquarie University International Scholarships are available across most courses to cover international tuition fees for study on campus at North Ryde in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree. Postgraduate courses not available under MUIS are Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Management, Master of Applied Finance (MAF), Master of Advanced Surgery and Master of […]

The Nordic Africa Institute Study Scholarship 2011, Sweden

The Nordic Africa Institute, which encourages research and studies on Africa in the Nordic countries, invites applications for a number of one-month scholarships to facilitate use of the Institute’s library. The scholarships cover travel expenses to and from Uppsala and include a shared office and free accommodation in a shared student apartment. Next deadline for […]