Sciences Scholarships

Apply for project award proposals in social science and humanities on national issues.

  The Center awards residential fellowships annually to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues. Topics and scholarship should relate to key public policy challenges or provide the historical and/or cultural framework to illuminate policy issues of contemporary importance. Fellowship Application Eligibility […]

Opportunity for women to study research in agriculture.

  The fellowships are aimed at providing immediate opportunities to women entering research and to retain women who have initially chosen research as a vocation. Women postgraduates are expected to hold a Doctoral degree in a field related to agriculture, agroforestry, biodiversity, biometrics, capacity building, climate change, ecology, economics, environmental policy, forestry, genetic resources, geography, […]

Opportunity for women researchers to study postdoctoral levels worldwide.

  Every year, UNESCO-L’ORÉAL Women in Science offers 15 Fellowships to young female researchers in the life sciences at doctoral or postdoctoral level worldwide. The Fellowships, each worth up to $40,000 for a period of up to two years, are awarded to three Fellows from each of the following five regions: Africa, Arab States; Asia […]

Opportunity for Professional women and men to serve as volunteers in MDGS.

  As a part of its activities, UNV opens up opportunities for professional women and men to serve as UNV volunteers and contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). MDGs are a set of time-bound targets to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women. The UNV programme recruit […]

Apply for phd in technology and science awards in U.S institutions.

  The International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for Outstanding Foreign Students, sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State, is designed to be among the most prestigious international scholarships in science and technology. The Fulbright S&T Award is for PhD study at top U.S. institutions in […]

Opportunity is offered to talented researchers to study in Netherlands at Dutch insititute.

  The Rubicon programme offers talented researchers from abroad the opportunity to obtain grants to spend one year conducting research in the Netherlands. Who can apply? Postgraduates who are currently engaged in doctoral research or who have been awarded a doctorate in the twelve months preceding the relevant deadline. Applicants who are still engaged in […]

Apply for research in humanities& social sciences in Germany.

  Scholars in Residence is a residency program for young academic researchers that promotes the exchange of scholarly research and provides guest residencies for researchers in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences to visit their colleagues in Germany and abroad. Young scholars are given the opportunity to forge intensive relationships with other researchers, to […]

Interested Candidates around the world are invited to study global health in kuala Lumpur

  The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme seeks six postdoctoral candidates from educational institutes around the world who would benefit from a period of stay to twelve months at UNU-IIGH in Kuala Lumpur. The programme will be closely related to UNU-IIGH’s own research programmes. Responsibilities: Each Fellow is […]

Scientists from developing countries are eligible to apply for canon research.

  The Canon Foundation for Scientific Research provides support for scientists and academics from developing countries in the scientific and engineering fields in order to promote technology and knowledge transfer, and improve industrial and social infrastructure and capability. The Canon Foundation for Scientific Research (CFSR) was established at the start of the new millennium to […]

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