By Gerald Businge on June 22, 2012
Africa scholarships, East Africa Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Study Subject(s):Science and Technology Course Level:Postdoctoral Fellowship Scholarship Provider: Department of Science & Technology, government of India Scholarship can be taken at: India Eligibility:The applicant should be actively engaged in research at a university or research institution in the African country and should meet the following eligibility criteria for each of the three categories: -Post […]
By Gerald Businge on June 22, 2012
Opportunities & Awards, Sciences Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
The American Physiological Society, with support from NIDDK and NIGMS, is offering travel awards for underrepresented minorities (i.e., African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders) who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, to attend APS conferences. The specific intent of this award is to increase participation of pre- and postdoctoral minority students in the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 22, 2012
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
The IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (MSP) aims at developing technically qualified human resources in the IDB member countries by providing scholarships to promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and research in the fields of applied science and technology needed for the development of the member countries. The main […]
By Gerald Businge on June 22, 2012
Sciences Scholarships
King Faisal Foundation Scholarships: King Faisal Foundation Scholarships (KFF Scholarships) are awarded to outstanding Muslim from any country to undertake their postgraduate studies in science, medicine and engineering. King Faisal Foundation Scholarships (KFF) Scholarships are tenable at any prestigious European, American or Canadian university, as well as universities in New Zealand and Australia, or any […]
By Gerald Businge on June 21, 2012
Sciences Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
The Latin American School of Medical Sciences Scholarships are for undergraduate study in medicine offered by the Cuba government. Applicants need to be high school graduates, 18 to 25 years old, from disadvantaged backgrounds. The ability to speak Spanish is not required. Students who do not speak spanish spend upto four months immersed in the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 13, 2012
PhD Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
PhD Research Studentship 3D X-ray imaging School Of Computing And Informatics Imaging Group Nottingham Trent University – UK The Imaging Group at the Nottingham Trent University is working closely with, and funded by, the UK Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) and the USA Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop X-ray imaging techniques for […]
By Gerald Businge on June 13, 2012
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering Scholarships: Full tuition and maintenance Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering Scholarships: The Erasmus Mundus programme “Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering” (COSSE) is a joint initiative of four European universities: – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden – Technical University of Berlin, Germany – Technical University of Delft, […]
By Gerald Businge on June 13, 2012
Africa scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Microsoft Research, in partnership with TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world, and AAS, the African Academy of Sciences, has established the TWAS-AAS-Microsoft Award for young scientists to recognize young scientists working and living in Africa whose research in computer science has had, or could have, a positive impact in the developing […]
By Gerald Businge on June 13, 2012
Sciences Scholarships
TWAS Grants for Scientific Meetings in Developing Countries: With funds provided by the Italian government, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. (TWAS) encourages the organization of high level international and regional scientific activities in developing countries by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, symposia and special meetings held in these […]
By Gerald Businge on June 13, 2012
Masters Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships
Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship: Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program (Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships offered) The Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program will offer 75 full tuition scholarships over the next few years to qualified students from Commonwealth countries, with preference to students from developing countries and small states. Five scholarship programs – […]