Sciences Scholarships

Melbourne International Research Scholarships

Melbourne International Research Scholarships: The Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) is awarded to international students wishing to undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne. MIRSs are funded by the University with each faculty having a limited number to award. Number: Each year the University offers about 220 new Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRSs), […]

John Bicknell announces Research Scholarship in Australia

John Bicknell Research Scholarship, Australia: AMC sponsors a John Bicknell Research Scholarship, funded by AMC’s commercial subsidiary, AMC Search. This scholarship provides stipendiary support (approximately $19,500 tax free per year) for three years of a Doctor of Philosophy, and two years of a Masters by research program. The scholarship may be made available to an […]

Apply for International Graduate Program in Germany

The International Graduate Program “Molecular Biology and Medicine of the Lung” (MBML) is the leading educational platform of the University of Giessen Lung Center (UGLC) at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany. For the upcoming winter term (October), we are now seeking highly qualified and motivated individuals for full-time doctoral studies in the following areas: O. Eickelberg: […]

Opportunities for Postgraduate in Waterford Institute of Technology

Funded Postgraduate Opportunities: Waterford Institute of Technology has a thriving postgraduate community participating in both taught and research programmes to Masters and PhD level. Many of the research programmes involve both national and international partnership with industry, academia, commerce or the community and carry substantial grants. Opportunities for funded research postgraduate studies are offered in […]

Apply for Doctorial Fellowship in Central European University

Full CEU Doctoral Fellowship: Central European University (CEU) offers a competitive Full Central European University (CEU) Doctoral Fellowship to students on doctoral programs. Applying for a Central European University (CEU) doctoral program, you are automatically considered for Full Doctoral Fellowship. Students admitted into Central European University (CEU) doctoral degree programs are eligible to receive the […]

Endeavour International invites applications for post-graduates

Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships: The main objectives of the Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (Endeavour IPRS) programme are to: Attract top quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength in Australian higher education providers; and support Australia’s research effort. The Endeavour IPRS programme provides approximately 330 new scholarships each year and enables international […]

Study Geosciences masters Scholarship in Netherlands

Geosciences Scholarship – Utrecht University Netherlands: The Geosciences Masters Scholarship offers outstanding prospective non-Dutch students the opportunity to pursue a degree in one of the Master’s programmes offered by the Graduate School of Geosciences, Ultrecht University. The scholarship programme is highly selective. Only candidates of the highest academic achievement and promise are eligible to receive […]

Google announces ICT Scholarship for women

Google ICT Scholarship: Through the Google ICT Scholarship, Women are encouraged to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders. Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic background and demonstrated leadership. A group of female undergraduate and graduate student finalists will be chosen from the applicant pool. […]

Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa

Grants for Computer Science Meetings in Africa: With funds provided by Microsoft Research Ltd, TWAS and AAS encourage the organization of scientific activities on the theme of Computer Science in Africa by offering financial assistance to the organizers of conferences, workshops, symposia and special meetings held in Africa. The support is normally provided in the […]

Apply for Harvard Fellowships in Sustainability Science

The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University’s Center for International Development offers doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career fellowships in Sustainability Science. The fellowships are tenable at the Center for International Development during Harvard’s academic year beginning in September . Fellowships are available for 10 months (September-May ), 12 months (September -August ), the full semester (September-December […]

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