Sciences Scholarships

Maastricht University PhD Studentship in Statistics, Netherlands

This research project, funded by a grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), is about efficient design of intervention studies in psychology and health sciences. Such studies concern the effects of behavioral treatments, such as smoking prevention in primary school or a therapy for depression. The studies often have a nested design (patients […]

CEMACUBE Masters Scholarship 2011 in Biomedical Engineering

In September 2010 an Erasmus Mundus Master’s course, called CEMACUBE (Common European MAster’s CoUrse in Biomedical Engineering) will start. Recently the grant application, submitted by RuG and UMCG, is accepted. Goal of this course is to prepare students from Europe and outside Europe for professions in Biomedical Engineering. For a single university it is difficult […]

University of Dundee Wellcome Trust PhD Programme for Clinicians 2011

The University of Dundee is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence for life sciences research. The Wellcome Trust has funded an exciting scheme to provide training opportunities in basic science to young clinicians. The aim of the programme is to nurture and develop the talents of the brightest junior doctors for academic medical research. […]

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for International Master in Service Engineering Program (IMSE)

The IMSE programme (120 ECTS) is organised in four successive phases over two years, each providing the core knowledge and developing the skills of the incoming students. The phases are as follows: Development and monitoring of software services (University of Stuttgart) Analysis of service enabled business processes (University of Crete) Design of software services (Tilburg […]

PhD Scholarship in Materials Behavior & Degradation, TU Delft

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences provides leading, international research and education in road and water engineering, earth sciences, traffic and transport control, and delta technology. Innovation and sustainability are central themes. The research addresses global social issues and is closely interwoven with education as well as with the work carried out by a […]

Post-doc/PhD Studentships: GRACE Follow-On, Aerospace Engineering

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering has an enrollment of 1,700 students, which is one of the largest faculties of TU Delft. The faculty is one of the highest international ranking is unique in Europe. While the main focus of the faculty is in the development of aerospace systems, the implementation of these systems plays an […]

The International Space University Master’s Scholarship Program 2011, France

The International Space University is given funding from industry and government agencies to help support MSc students who are unable to cover all of their tuition fees. This aid is available to selected applicants, and covers a portion of their fees. It is paid directly to ISU by the sponsoring organization. This financial aid is […]

2011 L’Oreal-UNESCO Regional Fellowships for Women in Science in Sub-Saharan Africa

For the first time in 2009 the For Women in Science Programme is launching of the L’Oréal-UNESCO Regional fellowships “For Women in Science” in Sub-Sahara Africa to assist women scientists in Sub-Saharan to realize important scientific research in all fields of science, engineering and technology. This fellowship is open to all women citizens and permanent […]

The Pasteur – Paris University Doctoral Program in Life Sciences and Biomedicine

A first rate PhD program in the exciting, dynamic and interactive research environment of the Institut Pasteur in collaboration with Parisian universities. The PhD program targets students holding a Master degree (or equivalent) in Science, Medicine or related fields from a non-French university. Improving public health and welfare through scientific discovery Quest for knowledge beyond […]

Fully Funded International PhD Projects in Intelligent Computing, Poland

Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology are launching INTERNATIONAL PHD PROJECTS IN INTELLIGENT COMPUTING Coordinator: Sławomir Zadrożny, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Systems Research Institute PAS) Financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy. Operated by […]

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