Uganda Scholarships

VLIR-UOS Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Countries

VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries so that they can follow a master or training programme in Belgium. These scholarships cover all related expenses. Every year, VLIR-UOS awards up to 180 scholarships to first-year master students and 70 scholarships to training participants. All programmes are specifically designed for people in positions of responsibility […]

Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Economic Development and Growth-MEDEG Scholarships

The Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Economic Development and Growth-MEDEG is a full-time masters programme organized by a consortium including three top-class European Universities: Universidad Carlos III Madrid – Spain (coordinating institution) University of Warwick – United Kingdom University of Lund – Sweden MEDEG lasts two academic years, includes 120 ECTS (60 ECTS/year), and consists […]

International Fellowship program for women’s in the field of Health, USA

Job Description: The purpose of this program is to provide training for clinical OB/GYN physicians in global women’s health research and service provision. We will educate future leaders in the global health community who will develop educational initiatives, improve clinical services, and promote research in global women’s reproductive health. The program will complement existing clinical […]

International Postdoctoral Fellowship: Molecular Marker Plant Breeding Strategies, Australia

International Fellowship, CSIRO Plant Industry Job Description: We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated Postdoctoral Fellow to design and evaluate alternative breeding strategies using molecular markers. These strategies range from back-cross introgression of single gene traits, to the use of recurrent selection based on QTL and/or genome-wide methods. The fellow will work with breeders […]

Erasmus Mundus-European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics for International Students

Do you like to take part of a high quality international training, both in terms of scientific knowledge as well as in didactic skills, provided by a limited number of excellent university groups within EU? There are scholarships available for EU and non-EU students. The EM-ABG MSc-course runs for several years. It gives you an […]

International Master of Science in Rural development 2011-2013 for International Students

Erasmus Mundus: International Master of Science in Rural development 2011-2013 Students who wish to follow the International Master in Rural Development have different options for financing the programme. As of academic year 2010-2011, the European Union provides Erasmus Mundus scholarships not only to non-European students, but also to European students. The amount of scholarship is different […]

Global Women’s Health Fellowship, USA

International Fellowship program for women’s in the field of Health Job Description: The purpose of this program is to provide training for clinical OB/GYN physicians in global women’s health research and service provision. We will educate future leaders in the global health community who will develop educational initiatives, improve clinical services, and promote research in […]

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: MSc in Optics in Science and Technology– OpSciTech for International Students

MSc OpSciTech is a unique European Master’s Course providing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary coverage of the field of Optics, from upstream scientific aspects to engineering and applications in major sectors of the economy. Offered by six top-level academic partners in five countries, it receives financial support from the European Commission and is supported by major […]

Erasmus Mundus – International Master in Management of IT Scholarships

International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT), which is jointly offered by IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III (France), Turku University (Finland) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands). You will find relevant information about this exciting two-year Master’s programme on this website, including course descriptions, interviews with students, alumni and professors […]

National Endowment for Democracy NED Fellowships

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. Each year, NED makes more than 1,000 grants to support the projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries. Named in honor of NED’s […]

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