Uganda Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2011

Applications are now accepted for AstroMundus, a 2years international Master Course in Astronomy and Astrophysics offered by a partnership of 5 universities: University of Innsbruck (Austria), University of Padova and University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy), University of Goettingen (Germany), and University of Belgrade (Serbia). The Master Course is funded by the European Commission within […]

IED Master Course Scholarships in Fashion, Design, Visual Arts and Communication

Istituto Europeo di Design – IED is now the only international design educational network. It offers three-year post-secondary school courses, advanced courses and Masters. SCHOLARSHIP RULES FOR THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR Istituto Europeo di Design – IED international network grants scholarships. IED Rome, IED Milan, IED Turin, IED Florence, IED Venice, IED Barcelona, IED Madrid […]

PhD Studentship in School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK

PhD Studentship “Immobilisation of radionuclides via in situ incorporation into stable mineral phases” is available in School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK Objectives: Develop in situ methodologies for achieving irreversible incorporation radionuclide in contaminated sediments or sludges. Investigate the incorporation mechanisms of Sr, Cs and U into stable mineral phases, such as […]

Erasmus Mundus MSc Scholarships in Science of Animal-Derived Foods

EM Food of Life is a cross-disciplinary Masters Course in the science of animal-derived foods. In a unique way, the course combines animal science and food science and technology. EM Food of Life is offered by: University of Copenhagen Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona University of Helsinki Non-EU and EU Students […]

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: European Master in Sustainable Regional Health System 2011

The Clarendon Fund is the University of Oxford’s flagship scholarship scheme. The awards are sponsored by Oxford University Press and are only available at the University of Oxford for all full-time and part-time graduate degrees. Host Institution(s): University of Oxford in United Kingdom Field of study: Any field of study offered at University of Oxford. […]

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: European Master in Sustainable Regional Health System 2011

The European Master in Law and Economics Scholarships amount to 21,000 EURO per selected student. Annually, nineteen scholarships for students are available. The European Master in Law and Economics is offered by a consortium of seven universities: Erasmus University Rotterdam (co-ordinating institution), University of Hamburg, University of Bologna, University of Gent, University of Aix-Marseille, Victoria […]

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: European Master in Sustainable Regional Health System 2011

The European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems is a two years long interdisciplinary programme of 120 ECTS that aims to give vision, knowledge and tools to develop and manage coherent health systems that contribute both to health and sustainable regional development in their regional communities. Learning outcomes Adequate understanding of the different areas of […]

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology The Research Institute of Global Change (RIGC, JAMSTEC) solicits an application for Postdoctoral Researcher programme to its newly approved KAKENHI fund from the JSPS (Kiban-A (FY2010-2015); “Understanding chemistry, transport and surface fluxes of long-lived gases in the troposphere by a multi-species and multi-model approach”). The RIGC offers a […]

The Master of Lifelong Learning Scholarships for Non-EU Third World Countries Students

Lifelong Learning has become a fundamental goal of recent education policies, often advocated as a way to achieve socioeconomic development and as a tool for promoting the ‘knowledge-based’ society. The rationale of the Masters of Lifelong Learning is to increase the awareness of European Lifelong Learning policies in a regional European context as well as […]

Erasmus Mundus Masters Course Scholarship on Flood Risk Management at UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

On 13 July 2010, the Erasmus Mundus Grant Committe has selected UNESCO-IHE’s proposal on a new Masters Course on Flood Risk Management for funding under the 2010 Erasmus Mundus Action 1 Call for proposal. The new Masters Course will be offered in collaboration with the Technical University of Dresden (Germany), Technical University of Catalonia (Spain) […]

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