
Causes of sweating, types of sweating, treatment of sweating

  Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis have overactive sweat glands and may sweat even when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest. Sweating is natural and helps the body to stay cool. People sweat more in warm temperatures, when they exercise or […]

Tropical creams improve skin appearance

Many adults have discovered that topical retinoid creams improve skin appearance by boosting collagen production and speeding all turnovers, which minimises lines and superficial wrinkles and produces smoother looking skin. Prescription strength retinoids, which include tretinoin (Avita, retin-A, Tazorac)’ and adapalene (Differin), are also used to treat acne. All good, until you try to compound […]

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