
How TB is spread? Treatment of TB, causes of TB

  When a person with TB is left untreated, s/he spreads the bacteria to about 10-15 more people in a year. If s/he isn’t treated, he dies in two year. Coughing, sneezing, laughing and spitting without covering the mouth releases millions of bacteria which other people may breathe in and get infected. TB can however […]

Heart disease linked to age and gender- new scientific discoveries

    Is heart disease linked to age or gender? The answer is YES. The person’s risk of developing a heart attack increases significantly with age. Studies indicate that more than 80% of the people who die of heart disease are 60 years of age or older. Men have a greater risk of developing a […]

Causes of spine defects in babies

  Causes of spine defects (read spine bifida) in babies: Society still treats spine bifida with a lot of stigma and many times it is linked to witchcraft. But the condition is a birth defect that involves incomplete closure of the spinal cord or its covering. ‘One or more of the bones that make up […]

Other benefits of rock salt

  There are many anti-depressive therapies that use salt in order to preserve the serotonin and melatonin (Neuro transmitters) levels in the brain. The reason rock salt is considered a main anti-stress compound is because it has minerals that help exfoliate dead skin [cells], cleanse skin pores and protect the skin resulting in a healthy […]

Causes of spine defects in babies

  Causes of spine defects (read spine bifida) in babies: Society still treats spine bifida with a lot of stigma and many times it is linked to witchcraft. But the condition is a birth defect that involves incomplete closure of the spinal cord or its covering. ‘One or more of the bones that make up […]

Other benefits of rock salt

  There are many anti-depressive therapies that use salt in order to preserve the serotonin and melatonin (Neuro transmitters) levels in the brain. The reason rock salt is considered a main anti-stress compound is because it has minerals that help exfoliate dead skin [cells], cleanse skin pores and protect the skin resulting in a healthy […]

Discover hidden treasure in rock salt

  Rock salt (ekisula in Luganda Language) is referred to as halite mineral, is formed by evaporation of salty water which contains dissolved sodium chloride and less potassium ions. For many people, rock salt is a tenderiser that helps soften food eg dry beans. Many people unconsciously benefit from it. Its potassium and sodium Ions […]


The symptoms of parasites are loss of appetite, fatigue, constipation, depressed immunity, food allergy, fever, chills, heartburn, stomach pain, inflammatory bowel disease and lower back pain. Other symptoms are itchy anus, rash and skin itching, hives, weight loss, Arthritis, bloody stools, mucus in stool, colitis, crohn’s disease, flatulence, foul-smelling stools, malabsorption, rectal bleeding, mood changes […]

Does diet play part in development of heart diseases?

  Does diet play a part in the development of heart diseases? The answer is YES. People across the globe are look and they are what they eat Every choice people (we) make today will impact them the next day, week, months, years or decades to come tomorrow. Our diet plays a significant role in […]

Hepatitis B breaks out in Uganda

  Hepatitis B has again broken out in Uganda, killing over 10 people in less than a week, officials in the ministry health in the government of Uganda have said. Tens of people infected by Hepatitis B are admitted at various health centres across the Republic of Uganda. But the sad news reaching our health […]

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