By Gerald Businge on July 5, 2012
drinks, say, system, water
Health tips
Taking cold drinks with food is dangerous to our bodies. The doctors and nutrients say it is dangerous because it can have adverse effects on your digestive system. If you have to drink water, let it be at room temperature. This is because drinking cold water after meals creates excess mucus in the body which […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
bed, lot, time, weight
Health & Medical, Health tips, Personal Helath
Eating a lot of foods before bed time is one of the causes of human weight gain in different parts of the world. Weight against is mainly caused by snacking. Snacking is described as eating too much food without plan. While we snack, we don’t truck our nutrient intake. We get too little protein, as […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
blood, Causes, high blood pressure, pressure
Health tips, Personal Helath
Our concentration today is on the causes of high blood pressure in women and all people at large. Scientists say that as blood circulates through our bodies, it presses against the walls of the arteries. The force of this action is called blood pressure. The doctors say that when the pressure is too high, the […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
health tips, healthy eating habits
Health tips, Personal Helath
Scientists and researchers in California and other parts of the world have all accept and come to a conclusion that chewing fast is dangerous to our health/bodies. The researchers observe that abdominal discomfort, gas, belching and bloating are a result of swallowing too much air, caused by chewing fast. So the people who chew foods […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
calcium, cucumber, digestive system, oxygen
Health tips
Fresh raw vegetables such as carrots and cucumber are healthy snacks for children, because veggies contain fibre that keeps the digestive system healthy and functioning. Raw veggies are also rich in plant hormones, oxygen, vitamins, minerals and enzymes which the body needs to break down foods. Green vegetables provide a healthy combination of proteins, calcium, […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
garlic, help, plant, production
Health tips, Personal Helath
Garlic (or alliums sativum) is a wonder plant and it’s a member of the Lily family and perhaps a cousin to onions and leeks. Alliums sativum (garlic) may help to improve iron metabolism because the daily sulfides in it can help increase production of protein called FERROPORTION. Garlic is what scientists call aseleniferous plant since […]
By Gerald Businge on July 4, 2012
blood, content, controlling, intake
Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Mangoes contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6 which help the body to maintain energy supplies. They also coordinate the activity of nerves and muscles and support proper heart function. In terms of minerals, pottasium is most notable in mangoes but with smaller amounts of magnesium and iron. Regular intake of […]
By Walakira on July 3, 2012
Africa, HIV, treatment, uganda
Featured, Gossip, Health & Medical, Latest Uganda News
People living with HIV in Uganda and Africa in general are in trouble due to limited access of CD4 machines. And the situation gets worse when some of the few CD4 machines available in some African communities are stolen. For example suspected thugs recently went away with a CD4 machine in Teso sub region […]
By Gerald Businge on July 2, 2012
density, Food, fresh, planning
Personal Helath
Here there is the recommended food for high-density nutrition and immune support. Base your meals around fresh vegetables, and whole grains and quality source of lean protein e.g. beans, lentils, fish and organic poultry. Eat un-sweated yogurt to replace friendly bacteria, vegetables and green drinks will improve your resistance to candida albicans. Drink 8 glasses […]
By Gerald Businge on June 27, 2012
banana, good, one, stomach
Featured, Personal Helath
Bogoya (call it Cavendish) is a type of banana. Many times bogoya is eaten when ripe. The potassium and sodium content in bananas regulates the body’s water balance. The more potassium one has the more fluids there is in his or her body hence preventing dehydration e.g. if one has diarrhea and takes bananas. Bogoya […]