By Gerald Businge on May 26, 2010
Latest Uganda News, People
The Catholic Church in Uganda will on June 1st 2010 declare the former President of Tanzanian, late Julius Kambarage Nyerere a saint. This is part of the celebrations to mark this year’s Uganda Martyrs’ Day to be marked in Namugongo, Kampala. Maria Gabriel Magige, Nyerere’s widow will represent her former husband at the function. President […]
By Gerald Businge on May 25, 2010
Latest Uganda News, People
Ultimate Media Uganda Police will not prosecute the Woman MP for Kasese district, Winifred Kiiza who on Monday slapped a Karimajong woman in police custody . MP Kiiza slapped the woman accusing her of using another woman’s malnourished child for begging on Kampala streets. The Karimajong woman and the mother of the child, Lokwere Mongesi […]
By Gerald Businge on May 5, 2010
Latest Uganda News, People
Ultimate Media Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala has said greed is source of evil. He says greed for money is the reason people are engaging in evils like theft, human sacrifice, and corruption. Cases of corruption, defilement, theft, homosexuality and human sacrifice among others are on increase in Uganda. The Cardinal has urged Ugandans not to […]
By Gerald Businge on April 25, 2010
“A bad name brings bad luck” goes a popular saying in Tooro, a tribe in western Uganda. Does a good name do the opposite? Well, if you asked Nigeria’s acting President, the answer will be obvious. Nigeria has a new acting president who has a good name. He hasn’t stopped at just having a good […]
By Gerald Businge on March 27, 2010
Media Gallery, People
By Gerald Businge “This interview has to take less than ten minutes. I have to go for my meal,” Omar Lee Robertson says, after agreeing to sit down for this interview. Robertson is seated on the verandah at 2576 Bancroft Way, the same time I have seen him when I pass by this route. It […]
By Gerald Businge on March 17, 2010
By Enoch Mutabaazi At one moment he wears a face of a very busy man with heavy schedules. At another, he cuts a figure of a man seemingly lost in his thoughts trying to search for answers to society’s problems. That is the impression you will get all time you spend with Atwooki Stephen Rwagwri. […]